pacific spirit

last weekend i went walking in pacific spirit regional park. i went saturday morning with edith and then sunday afternoon with heather. these are some pics from those days:

the sun was just rising as edith and i parked at the historical monument on south west marine. just across the road was the sword fern path.

speaking of sword ferns, here's edith with a sword fern. what luck.

this is to showcase my muddy pants. enjoy.

i liked this curly mossy tree.

a sword fern with some droplets.

this was my mushroom moss duet picture.

i was all about trying to capture droplets.



i wanted a bird's eye view of heather's hat. please note the toe of my beat up runners.

this is my favourite shot. it was hard to get and a bit of a fluke. heather had an eye for mushrooms. she kept pointing them out to me.

she also pointed out this gross intestine fungus right by the snot blob thingy. she's got a good eye, that heather.


Beth-a-knee said…
yes! finally you've got comments! gee, that person was really annoying...saying 'fub, indeed! >:(

now, laurbee, you can control the privacy options and everything yourself.
Laura said…
thanks man! i sure wish someone would comment on my POST.
amyleigh said…
laura, those are fantastic photos! my fave is the same as yours. love those mushrooms. but don't you have snow? where's the snow documentation?
I am still waiting for the list!!!!!!
Andrea said…
beautiful pictures!