elicia does not like the whipping cream dresses but i dont' mind them. however, heather favours a plain dress...

i'm up early on a saturday. this is partly because of the orange piglet and partly because i went to bed at 10 last night. i was sooo tired.

i got to the theatres before ma and pops on thursday night. i did indeed go in my yoga clothes. only put my black hoodie on over top and strapped my red purse on. it may have been incongruous but who can see you in the dark of the movies?, i asked myself. i went in to buy the tickets from the boy at the box office. the place was deadsville as one can imagine on a thursday night late show time. "three for ghost town" i said to the boy passing him my tickets. "that show's all sold out." he said to me, looking me in the eye, straight faced. "sold out?" i looked around. could there have been a huge crowd that dispearsed into theatre 3 just before i arrived? that's when the kid confessed he was joking. that's when he shared with me his box office humour. he explained that he needed to do something to amuse himself on a thursday night when he should be at home doing his homework. he told me that he was going to have some real fun when twilight came out.

i left the kid and went out on the front steps to wait for ma and pops. i called my friend fatima who was watching gray's anatamy. we talked about wedding dresses. i said if shopping with someone for a wedding dress i'd be tempted to try one on myself. she said she'd be like "get that thing away from me." that's the difference between the two of us.

mom and dad were a little late. dad said he couldn't get mom out of the house. when they did get there mom asked me if she was too old to look pregnant. she was sporting a pregnant contraband popcorn belly. but no one noticed her popcorn belly because there wasn't even anyone there to rip our tickets. there was only one other group in our theatre. dad went to the washroom and mom and i settled in and started eating the contraband which had olive oil instead of butter and a few table spoons of cheeze whiz. yum. dad came in with a drink. mom was suspicious. "what's that?", she asked, eyeing the cup. but he was innocent of any pop buying/drinking "it's water with ice." said pops righteously. "where's the two other straws?" was my question.

after our last movie experience (i didn't write about it, but it involved heavy f word usage and lots of vulgarity during which we left the theatre), i was a little skeptical since i hadn't heard of ghost town before. but oh my gosh. it was soooooooooo funny! and not bad at all. i laughed so hard and long i almost went into hysterics. we all enjoyed it. i would even go see it again! i still laugh just thinking about it. i told lisa to go see it so hopefully i can talk to her about it on monday. so anyways it was a good experience for all of us.

when i got home i spent half an hour trying to tell elena who ricky gervais was, but it was no good and i was keeping her up so i went to bed by 12:30. that's why i was so tired yesterday.

yesterday at work i spent the whole day just making it until 2:30 when i was off. that was my whole objective of my work day. and yet when i got home i did not nap. no i did not. and when heather arrived and it was time to drive to brentwood mall to go to bryan's bride to shop for wedding dresses with elicia i wondered why on earth i didn't!

elicia was already there when heather and i got there. we found her in the midst of racks and racks of wedding dresses. so at first it seemed quite daunting to try to find a wedding dress that way but eventually we just started picking ones and saying "let's just try this.." and "well you may as well see if you like this kind of fit.." and so on. then we were escorted to the carpeted changeroom area where everyone but the staff have to take off their shoes. heather and i sat down in some comfy chairs. there was a wall of mirror behind us and wall of mirror in front of us. it was a horrid widening mirror. so naturally i started sqishing my face into my neck and making balloon faces and that's when heather looked up and saw me.

and so we saw elicia in a proccession of white beautiful dresses. and in between dresses heather and i discussed dresses and people's different tastes and so on. there were two that elicia liked but one more than the other. it was very her. the only problem was that it was a tiny tiny bit too small and they didn't have the size up. and the other was was nice but not as much her. so we're going to have to look at other shops, basically.

i was home by nine thirty and in bed by ten thirty. and that was my friday. the end.
