urban head pollution

wednesday tired + yoga relaxation= bushwacked beat.

i like to leave my laundry to the very last possible minute of the last possible day. i like to stretch non-laundry actions to the utmost. i like to have mountains of laundry hanging over my head. and what you like you do. so basically i'm waiting for my laundry before my heavy head can hit the hay.

today i decided to shower and wash the bod but not the hair. noticed some frizz after dressing. it's to be expected after all. fast forward to lunch time where i was located mainly in the dish pit although i took a jaunt out to deliver food when the moment called for it, but although that fact highlights my versatility it's not the point. the point is, that after lunch my hair had no natural lines or curves, just a haze of frizz, like the haze of smog over LA--this was my head of hair.

ok i just can't do it anymore i have to collect my clothes and go to bed. HAVE TO.
