july 12th--the first day

mom and dad gave me their presidents of the church talks by truman madsen for my birthday. they're won'erful, as bethany is wont to say. i listened to them saturday night while doing some chores and the two things together helped me feel better. i listened to them last night while i toiled at uploading all the pictures too.

my first class went pretty well. i can tell i have great kids. what kid is not great? that's the way Heavenly Father feels about his kids. we played a sort of musical chairs to me singing give said the little stream. if you got out you had to think of a way to share in the upcoming week. i kind of got myself in a predicament with twister. if anyone can think of a way to incorporate twister into a primary lesson, let me know.

when one is eating frozen banana chunks smeared in peanut butter (old fashioned is best in this case, but not necessary) a bruise can be overlooked. forgiven even.
pic time:
our route down to oregon was the scenic route. it involved driving to whidbey island and taking a ferry from there to port townsend and then driving the 101 down the coast of washington into oregon. deception pass is between the mainland and whidbey. we stopped there and since we were on vacation and the first day of our vacation, we were feeling super giddy and euphoric. if you want to know why it's called deception pass, read the sign man.

this is my shadow on the morn of my oregon vacation. note the skinny braids on the bottom and the floofy hair on top. vacation hair is anything-goes-hair.

we crossed this bridge and took picks. heather pointed out the shadow to me, and i liked it. i really liked it.

the ferry from keystone to port townsend is a very tiny affair. you have to drive past it a mile, to a turn around and then drive back. we were there an hour early and lay on a log on the beach and talked while we waited. we felt sorry for the poor saps camped right at the edge of the ferry. heather said not only that but they were in the flight path, pointing to a tiny plane far in the distance. i raised an eyebrow, if not literally, figuratively, "that's probably a float plane!". "still they're in the flight path." says heather. this was the beginning of my awareness of heather's consideration of flight paths everywhere. it was lovely and hot and sunny and we were lazy and had no business feeling rushed at all. also we both had only four hours of sleep the night before. i snoozed on the ferry. heather felt a little queasy and ate ginger candies.
the drive down was very nice all except for the frustration i felt at times from slow moving under the speed limit type drivers. we drove into oregon and into astoria at the same time on this loooooooooooooooong bridge that changed shape 3 times. you'll see part of it on another day's pictures.
outside of astoria in warrington we stopped at a fred meyer's and bought food. heather discovered the best trail mix ever, involving peanut butter covered peanuts (!), yogurt covered raisons, chocolate bits, almonds, craisons and other stuff, my least favourite being the multitude of soy beans. but they were a small bother.
(my alarm just went off. it's seven oh clock. this is the reason i slept in until 7:58 this morning)
about an hour and a half later we were pulling into our campsite at barview jetty county campsite. we felt giddy. we took one look and said to each other "this is so ghetto". we loved it instantly. it was super windy and cold. our camp site was j12. and it was on the other side of the road, against the fence. the road led to the beach and after we set up the tent (we totally forgot about the one pole that has a severed part that you have to stick on the end and we could not figure out what we were doing wrong. it had been so easy the year before. we kept switching poles and putting one over the other and we kept giving each other blank stares and shrugging our shoulders. then heather pointed out a fold in the bottom of the tent running diagonal and i said it needed to be tighter going the other way and it was almost as if one of the poles were shorter than the other and then heather said "hey wasn't there a missing part last year?!" and we both remembered at the same time and i went over to the picnic table where the missing part was sitting innocently with the fly poles and picked it up and said "you mean this???") after all of that, we went down just in time for the sunset.

our beach met us and filled us with joy. it was a beautiful beach. i felt like our campsite might be ghetto and we might have to drive to beautiful places and put up with a not so great beach at home. but no, it was was wide and long and sandy with big crashing waves "and we have one of THOSE things!" yelped heather in delight. "i know!" i said squealed while squeezing her arm. those things are one of those big rocks out in the ocean that the oregon coast is famous for. our beach has one and it gave us joy.

andrea i'm wearing my hat you gave me. that hat came in handy this trip as it was always sunny but almost always cool and windy. so heather and i took some pics and rejoiced and went back to our campsite. there were tons of people coming down to the beach for bon fires. we passed people unloading two by fours out of the back of their truck. our campsite was littered with trucks and dogs. it was a total party campsite.
when we were unpacking and setting things up we munched on some of the most delicious apples known to man. a teen-boy stopped by on his way to the beach and asked if we had any extra apples. he said they looked good. i stopped and looked at him a second and sized him up. then with a cheek full of juicy crispy apple i said "mmmm... this sure is a good apple. it's so crisp and juicy.." heather snorted and laughed with her mouth full of apple and the kid said "aww come-on! all i have is marshmellows and i don't want to get fat." just then someone came up from behind and pushed him along. other wise i would have taunted him a second time.

we didn't have a camp fire but we didn't care. ok we cared a little bit because it was cold but we piled on the clothes, brushed our teeth and washed our faces and went to bed.
