i'm home and fighting the back from holidays blahs. i think i may actually unpack and do my laundry tomorrow morning. if i don't do it, i know i'll be terribly disappointed. it's just that my 8 days on the oregon coast were basically almost perfect and it's a sinking feeling coming back to regular life. like sinking into ruts. ugh. ruts make my stomach turn.

obviously i'm not much in the mood for relating my adventures but i can say that i've had a wonderful time and carelessly burnt my shins and saw common murres and the elusive brown pelican and pigeon guillimots and caspian terns (which we thought were seagulls with an odd cry at first) and the beaches were amazing and everywhere i went i was experiencing lovliness and a general euphoria. not to mention that we were in the same room and the very near presense of none other than ed asner, who still sounds and looks just like lou grant but with white hair, and experienced two light houses and a cheese factory and an octupus tree and a bathroom stall that... well i have to tell that story... we were at blustery cape meares where there is a very short but still working light house and a sassy, shy man-guide who had a mini crush on heather and we had just come back from seeing the octuapus tree (an unusual sitka spruce--you'll see pictures later) and we were using the park public washrooms. well i went in first and sat down on the pot. something seemed weird. i noticed that i could without bending down, reach over and poke heather's leg, who had just entered the next stall--which i promptly did, getting great mirth over her surprise. it was just then that i realized that me bum would be exposed to anyone who looked, that's how high the space before the stall walls began. heather's toilet was on a cement block to raise it up but mine was not. ha!

but i'll tell you more when i add the multitudinous pictures. you'll never have been so tired of a subject.

meanwhile elicia and i just finished wives and daughters. i love that movie!
