honestly, i'm feeling low right now.  if i opened up my mouth too wide i'd cry.  and i don't have any good reason.  it's the same as when i was 11 years old and crying my eyes out with no idea what for.  but then gram took me home with her for some special time.  but i digress again.  it could be that i dropped elicia off at the airport today for her month in nz, but i'm an android when it comes to goodbyes, so it can't be that.  you may be thinking "easy.  classic symptoms of pms!"  but i'm barely i real woman, so it can't be that.  it could still be my back from vacation blues, coupled with laundry that needs to be put away, a dirty kitchen, and general camping gear laying about, not to mention the weight of washing out the cooler on my mind.  but those don't seem like frog-in-your-throat type things.  maybe it's just part of the mystery of being a woman.

i just got back from betty's bash at gary point park.  i left earlier than everybody else.  in fact i felt like leaving before everyone had arrived, but i did warm up a little after a while.  i wasn't morose the whole time, i'm glad to say.  mom's email said everyone had to bring their own food but they had to bring the same food as everyone else.  and everyone was bringing chicken, salad and buns.  i said maybe i'd eat before i came since i didn't want to bring chicken, salad and buns for 1.  then we made a deal that i'd bring salad for 2 and she'd bring chicken for 2.  i was pretty proud of my salad.  i've decided to get into salads because i actually enjoy a good salad, it's just that i find my own salads so boring.  heather, for example makes a mean salad, and we had such a good salad at andrea's from her garden.  so i was inspired from a magazine to mix it up with the lettuce.  i went to superstore to pick up my pictures and also ended up picking up endives and escarole and made a salad with tomatoes, green onion, grated carrot and vintage smokey cheddar cubes (from my oregon trip).  it was quite good.  in the end everyone ate everyone else's stuff anyways.  mom didn't even eat her own chicken she ate some of the kfc that duncan and jenny brought.  delanie made buns and cinnamon buns which were super popular.  when speaking about popular one must speak of kevin.  kevin brought multiple bags of cookies like i don't know, 7 or something purposely calculated to win over the kids.  not that he has a problem with that, kids always love kevin.  gabriel planted himself by the cookies, particularly the smartie cookies.  then kevin had all this clinique stuff for all the girls and women.  glamourous big silver bags, with a key chain lip balm attached, and inside make-up bags with the bonus stuff in it.  here is a guy who knows how to be popular.  

there were guys flying kites there.  kites that pull you in a little car and stuff but there wasn't much wind.  one of the guys asked us to do a wind dance and aunty heather promptly did a first nation's dance.  the kind we did as kids.  later he came back to thank her because the wind picked up soon after.

mom came with me to my car so i could give her some of the camping stuff i  borrowed and i gave her the bacon flavoured mints i got for her in oregon.  we each tried one.  they really do manage to taste like bacon and are minty at the same time.  i think she'll keep the tin.  it's got a pig face on the top and bacon striations on the bottom.  i said i got them for her because she can't have bacon very much any more--so here, have a bacon mint.

i think i might feel better if i clean up a bit--that and watching a catharsis type movie.  i still have to plan my first primary lesson too.  i hope i can be a good primary teacher.
