"The crows seemed to be calling his name, thought Caw."--Jack Handey

just finished stuffing myself with delicious frozen cherries. i pitted them and froze them myself, on saturday morning, splattering t-shirt with black cherry juice as i did so. didn't mind because i know about the boiling water trick. i'm surprised more people don't, fwankly. my finger was stained black from the juices. "black, from cherries??" was the general unbelieving reaction. apparently people don't know how dark cherries can be. the point is frozen cherries are the bestest hot summer time treat and they remind me of gram at the same time. her ice cream bucket full of frozen cherries chinked with pink ice.

left my keys hanging in the bike storage door again today. this time i didn't realize it until after i had locked it up at the gym. thanks to my good pal elicia who dropped them off for me. the house meeting had just begun. i was at my usual trouble maker spot at table number 9, when una came in late and plopped my keys down in front of me on the table. "from your roommate." she smirked, "i had to do a double take, i thought it was you!" i gave her a knowing smile and said "you're not the first" in my head.

yesterday for fhe i finally made brown bread ice cream. this ice cream involves fresh brown bread crumbs, which you toss in melted butter and fry with brown sugar until it crystalizes. it's english. anyways i had a private laugh with myself when i tossed chunks of bread into the blender when it was going but the lid wasn't on. "what possessed me?" i chuckled to myself while shaking bread crumbs out of my hair and wiping them off of ever surrounding surface.

on sunday layne, jordan, dad and i played canadian trivia game. it was fun. we learned that all canadian books are written by either margret atwood or w.o. mitchell, so you have a 50/50 chance on that one. we learned to stear clear of the 'art corridor', and dad wad dubbed 'beachcomber' by layne and jordan for escaping the art corridor on layne's promptings of "did they search for things on the beach?"

well i have to go, bethany's called and i'm busy being cruel to her.
