yesterday me and heather and elicia headed off to find the owletts at george c. reifel. as we walked up to the tree in question a group of people with binocs and large lensed cameras were just dispersing. "there was three but one died." said one of them to me they passed us.

well he lied. ok he was mistaken, but there WERE three! three fluffy owletts stuffed into the nest on the broken off part of a tree. mom and dad owl were in a tree near by snoozin. they were so cute and waaaay bigger than i thought they'd be. i took some pictures with old daddy but it was hard to get a good shot. this guy parked out in the prime position with his monster zoom let me look through his lens. it was amazing. i need a monster lens. i NEED one! i kept returning and taking another look. then i waved elicia and heather over and they looked and then some strangers came and they looked. wow. owls. owletts.

after george we ate at ladner subway and then to kins in richmond and then save-on. i saw touchy feely dennis, who works there and managed to evade him. then we had an hour before having to leave for chandra's getting married party. elicia and i made a cute little pocket for cash thanks to martha stewart and our own ingenuity. everyone was giving cash because there's not a lot one can take with one to africa.

there was a lot of food. A LOT and i partook of a lot of it, i must say. me and heather brought feta and spinach perogies. i came across them when looking for pizzarogies which i did not find. in the middle of cooking up the perogies i was called up stairs by heather who said we had to do important girl things and then she made scott take over the perogies. as i joined the girls in the upstairs regions i discovered this was a pilgramage to the wedding dress. it's a pretty wedding dress and it has some sparkles of blue in it. simple veil, cute shoes. she'll be beautiful. she said she's going to be super hot. well she's right about that.

so last week during the good news minute in relief society i shared that i had done 12 years of taxes. after the good news minute carol (she's the lady you helped with cutting out patterns, karey) said she needed help with a simple tax return. "i know how to do it!" i joked. no joke. she gave me her stuff today. i'm doing her taxes. i guess this could be a case of the Lord changing weaknesses into strengths.

ok so i got some pictures from ol' daddy developed last week and this time i was smart and did a bethany, meaning got them on cd too. the thing is i think they were developed badly or something. there's a weird dull sheen on a lot of them. so i figured i was free to do with them (ie. photo editing) as i saw fit and these are some of them:

there were three left overs of bethany's wedding but they were all really super dark. and since all the other pics of her wedding taken on ol' paps turned out fine, i'm having some doubts as to the quality of the developing. so anyways i played around with it and came up this creepy metalic version with the floating heads of the groomsmen.

bethany followed by hoards of children carrying her train.

this was in our neighbourhood escaped in vilhelm's lake. i know it's a tad blurry. i know this. manual focusing is a continued challenge for me.

this one too.

but this one is clear and crisp i must say. what a pertly burt.

during our sojourn in clinton amy and i took off and took clicks. she, with a chupa chupa in her mouth the whole time. i hightened the contrast in this one.

elicia thought that the chupa chupa was a cigarette. i like what i did to this one. it makes me think of an add from the 70s or something.

a muted colour addlebuns.

some canadain geese in motion.

this is when i realized that i could focus on the snow flakes falling you may not see them unless you click on the pic.

another snow flake shot.

did i say before how we ran back to the car to get some warmth and that we sang cadet songs? did i? well we did it on the way to the park and the way back. then we came upon some town kids. "how embarrassing." moaned amy.

this is the heron that was so surprisingly close to me but i didn't know it, on the walk that leif and i took at boundry bay. too bad it was developed weird.

you must know by now that i have a thing for cat tails. especially fluffy ones with the sun shinging through them.

a hawk at boundry bay. i think he looks like a warrior in ancient armor.

one of the bunnies that we saw. or it could have been the same bunny every time. who knows?

some of the snow geese from last sunday.

heather and elicia staring in awe at the american bittern.

i totally fooled around with the contrast and exposure on this pick of 'bitty'. but i think it looks cool.

he's hunting and he may have just spotted a meal.

what? when one has a billion pictures of the same subject one can do what one wants. this is bitty in his psychadelic easter colours.

and this is just him as is. i like his stripes and his green legs. i like his hunched body.

the shining waters. not barry's pond.

i don't know what these are but they're pretty.
