wish list:

big rich buttery towells (big enough to wrap around myself and walk from the changing stall to the showers at the gym, without flashing anybody)

paniers for my bike

a more friendly bike seat

a bike calculator

a tripod

money to put towards a digital slr

a photography class or two

a new purse


new church clothes

new runners

and world peace

yesterday i met the lady who lives in number 3. we got some of her mail so i knocked on her door. well actually it turned out to be the mail of the person that lived in her apartment before. "are you a ubc student?" she asked me cheerfully and out of the blue. "no," i replied as i balanced the offending letter on the ledge above the mailboxes. "i graduated. i work now." she told me her name was linda. there was something over the top with her. i mean she was nice and everything. it was just that she was so surprisingly expressive in her manner of talking and she was this way straight out of the gates if you will.

i'm developing a sore throat and i think amy is the culprete in this case. but we were so careful! we never shared anything! still i am becoming sick for what feels like the billionth time this year. a billion times in three months is bad. it could be that i have an auto immune disorder of some sort. "is this because you have a sore throat? and you're being dramatic?" asked lisa when i expressed this theory to her. "it could be." i admitted. what of it. i'm just tired of being sick. where is mom and her bleach concoction when i need her? fatima emailed me and told me to take bleach and do yoga. hmph typical. i'm surprised she didn't mention vicks. doesn't mean she won't.

