a pleasing white shoe

i've been to sultan cuts and i have a stinging upper lip to show for it.

i'm sleepy. i had eight and a half hours of sleep last night but i needed them. you'll just have to believe me on that one. this morning i was super hyper and chipper. some might call my mood vivacious but i wouldn't go so far myself. it could be because i was wearing my new shirt and it could be because i did my hair a different way, or it could be because i put three sugar cubes into my chocolate herbal tea. i didn't crash until around two this afternoon though. that's something.

my hair is beginning to feel long.

what time of year is it? it's bra time.

yesterday i had a nice hard core sweat it up time at the gym. there's this guy who annoys me in the weight section. he's skinny skinny and he looks like he could be of chinese heritage. well he plants himself on one of the weight machines, one that i need in my 3x circuit, and stays there until he's done like 10 sets or something crazy like that. and he does it so violently! and reacts so dramatically, after each set. and meanwhile i am waiting for a chance to do my thing and i am forced to watch his geeky antics from the bicep machine, then the triceps then the abs and know that he will still be there even after i pass him to the leg curl machines, the back lift, the chest press, the shoulder lift. this has happened twice now. yesterday i lucked out and got on the machine at the very end to do my two sets that i had to skip because of his obsession with that machine. i wonder why that one has earned his devotion.

after the gym i had a carrot and ate some yummy tomato red pepper soup changed and picked up heather for enrichment night. we were doing dry pack canning. i didn't order anything to dry pack. the order sheet looked too confusing to me. anyways even if you don't have stuff you do the packing for the others. i ended up getting stationed at the machine that seals the pouches. i sealed about a million pouches is all i want to say. of sugar, potato pearls (they smell like sour cream and onion chips), refried beans, rice, wheat, macaroni, spaghetti (the worst to seal. it just is), oats etc. i worked like a pouch sealing fiend. and i was a fiend.

last night around ten i felt like the most tired person in the universe. but today i have a stinging lip and i'm thawing chicken for stir fry and i'm ignoring my cat's hints. such subtle hints.
