mmsleepy. today was eventful. i spent most of it at the food bank learning a new job for our employment program. it will be the third site that i manage. we made beet soup. they get their veggies straight from a garden and oh man, when i was dicing the onions i had quite the incident. like i chop onions almost every day and i do not usually have the onion incidents and if i do, i have a mild incident. but today, well today was an acute case. like i could barely open my eyes and they were puffy and bright red blood shot and i had tears poring down my face. it was kind of embarrassing. i was introduced to two people that way. like hi, i'm laura i'm a total mess. it then we handed samples of the soup out to people as they came in to get their food. i saw a lot of members from our clubhouse... anyways i think i offended the ladies because i didn't take some cookies. they're big into cookies and tea at the food bank.

around one thirty i was allowed to go back to my work. i then proceeded to help lisa pile up the cargo van with the recycling. we had almost wall to wall recycling to empty out. and the piles of cardboard doesn't help with our mouse problem. before we left i sat in a chair behind kaz and noticed red marks on his neck. i wanted to ask, but i thought it might be rude. well it turned out they were BED BUG BITES. the day before he helped a guy throw away his mattress that had bed bugs and cockroaches in it. we were all, "we don't get paid enough for that". he threw away his clothes after, but he totally had bed bug bites on his neck. he was sent home and the rest of us proceeded to freak out and feel itchy. meanwhile we went to do the recylcing and there was a guy with a pony tail there who dug lisa. he liked it when we mouthed off to each other, which we do all the time. every time i shoved her towards the opening of the compacter or shook a bag of paper crumbs at her, he always just seemed to be there to give a creepy little chuckle. before we left he told lisa out of the blue that he was off in half an hour and laughed his little bevis and butthead laugh.

when we got back and opened the garage door, what should scamper in but a grey mouse. only to quickly disappear into thin air as mice can do. mice and bed bugs. GREAT.

i went to the gym and sweat my wrists off. nerdy row machine boy was on the eliptical beside me. i can't escape him so i may as well start to like and accept him. as if he sensed my changing attitude nrmb seemed to tone it down with his antics in the weight area later on. bill cosby was on oprah today. it was about fathers and how children need fathers. the parts of it that i saw seemed good.

i came home and ate some snap peas and peanut butter toast and had a bath and put my clothes away and cleaned up some of my room. not ALL. SOME. let's not get crazy here. then i sat down here to listen to and download music while writing in my blog. done.
