nope no way not a chance.

so tired. we just got back from a full day of temple trip. we left around seven fifteen and it took us two and a half hours to get through the border. things just keep getting worse in that sense. you should have seen all the obnoxious budders, too katie.

this morning when my alarm went off at six, it truly alarmed me. an ear-shattering noise was piercing the deep darkness of my sleep. it took a while to know what was going on. this is because i foolishly went to bed very late, but it was worth it.

i don't think i saw one person i knew at the temple. besides the girl in the cafeteria who calls me 'love'. but i don't know her. i had a bowl of medium chili and a whole wheat bun. hit the spot.

the quiet and peace and light of the temple was soothing to my world weary soul. i did the work for maria justa cob from mexico. she was born in the seventeen hundreds.

when we passed the apple barn i mentioned i sure would like some apples and wondered out loud where i'd be able to find them. i did this just for karey's sake. and i said "that's where brother jensen got his boat!" in the appropriate spot as well.

i'm too tired to write anything interesting or peppy. i just can't.
