my days are numbered

1. woke up at 8, fed the kittens, checked my email, read amy and bethany's new blog entries, checked for comments on mine, did a new play on the two scrabble games i'm playing on facebook with bethany, lounged.

2. at quarter after nine i thought i should get ready if i was to leave at 9:30. was going to slum it in jeans and t-shirt and wild hair, but inexplicably put on my cute new clothes instead. got the go ahead from elicia on my new top.

3. 9:40 picked up heather, ten to ten pulled up in selina's back alley. heather went in to get selina, i noticed a young man pacing a few houses down and looking at me. eventually he smiled and walked towards me. i rolled down my window. he said 'this is a strange request but...' i thought maybe he was out of gas, or needed some money or something, but no, he had just purchased an ipod that plugs into your car and he wanted to see if it worked and he didn't know if it was broken or the fuse was broken in his car, so i plugged it in and it worked and he walked away happy. meanwhile protective heather was returning and giving me the raised eyebrow that says "why is a strange guy leaning in your window?"

4. arrived at dim sum destination. packed with the chinese. there's a line-up just to get the host to give you a number. selina pushes to the front and gets us number 20. we talk about weird food and food we didn't used to like but can eat now, packed like sardines in the entrance way being pushed and squished by strangers. talking this close to short cute selina i am feeling unwieldy and tall. how come i never noticed how much she is looking up at me and how much i am looking down before?

5. seated in the middle of the restaurant. we're brought to the table before the settings are even taken away. selina orders hot water instead of the usual tea. she fills up heather's cup even though she doesn't like hot water because she said the cups look wrong empty. she teaches us that you don't say thank you when someone fills your cup. you tap twice beside your cup. you don't even have to look at them. that's thank you. i practice.

6. we eat lots of interesting and yummy foods. it is only heather's second dim sum experience. she is taken by the texture of rice noodles. we talk and eat and talk and eat and wait and talk and eat.

7. we leave selina with her friends who have arrived for their own dim sum. the whole two or so hours that we have been there it has been insanely busy. heather hobbles back to the car with her bum knee.

8. i promise heather we can stop for milk for the missionaries and them promptly forget about. i ask if we can stop on the way to or from rs. broadcast. she agrees.

9. at home, i check my email there's one from karey. respond. return two scrabble moves on the afore mentioned games. eat a carrot. read andrea's new blog post, imagine them singing thank yous to the chickens on the way to the slaughter house, shake my head and smile. chat with elicia. help her hang her mango lady painting. hang my dandilion painting. take the oprah mag to my room thinking of a little snooze. end up reading through the snoozish feeling.

10. clean the bathroom.

11. start this list. play a game or two of spider soletaire. won the first game. knit.

12. reluctantly put on a skirt for the rs broadcast, put some of my hair back in a barette, and clomped down to my car. it was when i was getting into my car that i realized that i had a problem. i was wearing my longer g's that i can't wear with knee length skirts but i had forgotten all about it. great i thought. my legs were unshaven and my underwear is hanging out of my skirt.

13. we were early. totally heather's fault. raining hard. we're the 4th car in the parkinglot but we laughingly run in before all the good seats are taken. spend our time whisper talking. sister layton agrees to feed our cats during the thanksgiving weekend. seems excited to do it.

14. relief society broadcast. very good. president monson's talk was my favourite, also really liked barbara something or other's. she's a social worker and she's also single. she talked about families. the lord is my light final song was beautiful.

15. ate fresh fruits at the refreshment table while trying to stealthily pull up my garments which insist on heading below the hem of my skirt. nabbed heather a copy of believing in christ at the book exchange table. snatch it before the two old ladies by me have a chance to see it. nab myself a copy of the old hymnal just for the song "come thou fount of every blessing".

16. stop at safeway for potluck foods, and milk for the missionaries. drop heather off.

17. play with archie in his new house (a box with a cut out door), waste time, put off working on my lesson.

the end.
