bran buds are good buds.

g'morning. archie woke me up with a huge plaintive "yowl!" at 7:11. it was just as well i was supposed to be up at 7. and what did my orange cat want? he didn't want the foods. he had the foods. as i started towards the door, he plopped himself down in front of me, fully streched out. as if to say "pet me. love me." and how could i not?

i feel that i had some strange dreams. an odd feeling is the only trace they left.

i am reunited with the orange this morning. i have missed the orange. what a sunny fruit it is.

i've been thinking about the spirit lately and what to do to have it with me. yesterday i was listening to a conference talk by elder holland in the car as i drove around. almost as an aside he said something about showing that you want the spirit to be with you. i've been feeling a lack in my life. specifically a lack during the week. maybe i need to do more to invite the spirit. more than just ask for it. you know?
