toes like sausages

i stayed up late talking to fattie on msn last night. "my toes are swelling up" i told her. i hadn't taken a look at them--they were under the desk, but i could feel them and they felt weird. like i couldn't bend them. for those of you aquainted with my feet, you know that they are in a constant state of bending. so it was weird indeed. "ewww" said fatima. sure enough when i pulled away from the desk and surveyed my foot it was el puff-oh. i think i have plantar faciatis. my arch specifically has been sore to walk on since friday. i've tried to rest it. i've tried to stay off of it and sausage toes is how i'm rewarded. i had to ice it before i could fall asleep. i hope i didn't tear the plantar faca or whatever it is. i hope it's just inflamed.

excuse me i have to eat a giant gingersnap cookie with a swirly chocolate kiss in the middle. mmmm. soft and chewy. i'll take two!

yesterday was my first day teaching sunday school. it went alright. i was plenty nervous during the week leading up to it. there were a couple of comments that i had no idea how they applied to the lesson, but that's to be expected i guess. i thought elicia's lesson was so good the week before. she's an allstar. the people in the back of the class are like ghosts. they seem to just stare blankly. i guess i used to be one of those people.

last night we all went over to julie's and had pizza, not delicio but not delivery either. and we watched this mormon movie. loose suites. it was about these guys impersonating elders. it was pretty funny, surprisingly. julie and her roomate have all the mormon movies. julie's a funny girl.
