i don't think i should admit this to anyone but i'm going to. the truth is the slide out tray that my keyboard sits on is a dizGUSting beach of crumbs and cat hairs. it's revolting to look at, so i don't. and the beach grows.

it's been a week of hot summer weather.

on monday elicia and i helped her sister and her sister's boyfriend move in a block away from us down the alley. they didn't get here until around nine at night. as scott said, it was a late hour to be moving in, but at least it was cooler temperatures. the good thing about their new apartment was the elevator and we made full use of it let me tell you. the only way the elevator could have been better would have been if we had found a way to make it stay open. as it was, we put a box in the door would close. you take a box out, the door closes. it was a heavy door too, so it wasn't always the best idea to block it with a limb. a limb was a mosquito to this elevator door. i wouldn't be surprised if this elevator didn't have a history of ripping off people's limbs unwittingly as it ascended or descended with it clamped in it's heavy steel teeth. so anyways i got quick at pushing the 'open door' button. that's all i'm trying to say. elena and scott had almost all their stuff in tiny easy to carry easy to pack liquor store boxes. their boxes were almost a joy to cart around.

i discovered that scott and elena have an icecream maker too, so scott and i decided that we need to have an icecream party. i mean people have ice cream parties for lesser reasons than that. two ice cream makers makes it almost insane not to have an icecream party. scott and elena also have to 'nintendo' chairs that elena was a little sheepish about.

i tore my shirt and scraped my wrist and elicia scraped her upper flub but we came out alright. it wasn't a bad move at all, especially because we didn't have to unpack any of the stuff.

the next day my foot was super sore though. i kind of maybe overdid it a tiny tad bit. elicia and i went to the beach right after work/school. it was my first ocean swim of the season. and although the water was very silty and the waves big and choppy it was super refreshing. elicia and i played water charades. my most genious one being spaghetti and meatballs. then we lay on the beach in the sun and talked. we narrowly missed being hit by a volleyball on the one side (cute guys) and a frisbee on the other (not so cute).

we went to the beach on wednesday too. we found that right after work/school is a great time to go to the beach. there's lots of parking, and prime beach spots for the taking. this time there was a boat pulling some logs not too far away and we tried to swim out to it over the choppy waves. elicia called them waves of glory.

last night i watched anna and the king. chow yum phat.

ok sleepiness is taking over and ok, i'm succumbing.
