eventful events

so it's been almost ten years or so since i last saw denise or maria. but we've recently been in touch through facebook. and it turned out that i got an email from maria who was in sweden at the time, although she lives in victoria. she told me she would be staying over at the airport because her flight came in so late that there were no ferries, and would i like to come visit her in the airport. i was all, that's crazy. come sleep in a bed at my place. and then the next day i get a call from denise. she had been planning a surprise for maria since she was coming over to have lunch with her mom anyways and she was going to get a hotel for them. so the long and short of it was that i invited denise to stay over too. and then we got to talking and i told her about my work and she told me that she was diagnosed, after a long time, with bi-polar and i was all ahhhhhhh that makes sense. and she was interested in clubhouses so it turned out that she came to my work and i showed her around and gave her some info and then we went to ikea. we spent quite some time there. anytime denise was looking at something and i said "oh yeah so and so has that, or i have that" etc she would drop it and lose interest. haha. we went through all the show rooms, and the downstairs and we ate sandwiches (well mine was a wrap) at the cafeteria. we were in the store downstairs when denise got a call from maria saying she was laid over in montreal and wouldn't be here until the morning and she HAD to find my number and call me to let me know. denise stuck her head in the freezer so maria wouldn't hear the announcements at ikea.

denise showed me how to wrap glasses in paper. :)

on the way home i told her the story of the cops and the bridge. she loved that one. then i told her the couch epic and of course she was full of suggestions like popping the threshold off, taking the door down (shows me how to do it)... once we got here she gave all her stuff the look over and animatedly told elicia about our adventures. she befriended the cats and i put on the tape of tanja, peter and alex when they were young. she showed me tanja's music online. i can't believe that's her. she sounds so grown up. i read her this letter i wrote home on my mission about this time she forced me to tromp through this snowy gully and i fell in the creek. she killed herself laughing at that one.

we went to eat at the mexican place by our house. denise loved it. she said "everytime i come to visit you we HAVE to eat here." i smiled and said "well vancouver has so many pla--" "here! we HAVE to eat here. i like it. it's fun." ( i noticed she says fun a lot. it's fun, she's fun, this is fun, it was fun. :) ) but it was fun there that night. there was a guy strumming a guitar and singing 'mexican songs'. he got us to sing along to the chorus of labamba. we both hand the enchilada meal, but hers was veggie. mine was chicken.

the next morning denise wanted to leave at ten to ten. maria's flight didn't get in until 10:30 and the airport is five minutes away. so i was like no. we left at quarter after and it turned out the flight didn't arrive until quarter to eleven. maria was the same maria but with short hair. it's funny how you forget a little bit of what people are like if you haven't seen them for a long time but then when you see them again it all comes back to you. it's like you realize you know someone like this, and oh yeah they're the ones they remind you of. know what i mean? i felt that very strongly when i started to get to know andrea again. anyways a guy stole our luggage cart and i was on my way to get another one when they called me back. they didn't need one and the luggage was in hand and we went to the car and drove to the ferry and hugged and said we should meet more often and that was that.

i rushed home and tried to get presentable for my birthday date with fats domino/chubby checkers. i tried but there wasn't much i could do. my hair was unruly and the clothes i picked felt wrong. traffic was bad all day saturday. i inched down granville. fatima was already at our table when i got to shabusen. on the cellular mobility device she told me we were at the worst table in the joint. sure enough we were. it was a squishy cramped little booth tucked away by the sushi bar. we ordered lots of the good foods and ate to our heart's content. as usual i had probs getting water but i was pretty ascertive about it and eventually we each got a glass but we each knew that they were both for me. i drank them both and both the refills and still felt thirsty at the end but didn't bother to ask for more. i don't know why i drink so much water at restaurants. i burned the meats. fattee ordered a mountain of kimchi on our second round that she tried to down with difficulty. the kimchi order before was tiny and she thought that's what she'd be getting again. nope. a mountain of kimchi is what she got. i ate 12 gyoza. that's what i wanted. fatima suggested 6. 12 i said firmly. but while eating them i thought i may have been a little greedy. still they were hot and crispy and so yummy. it had been so long since we were there but it was like riding a bike if you know what i mean.

after stuffing ourselves we walked robson a bit. mostly looking at shoes and purses, but some other stores thrown in. i wasn't much in a shopping mood the combo of my hair, my clothes and the drips of teriyaki on my shirt (something like that happens every time i go there! fatima said we should get you a bib. i said b. quiet.) made me uncomfy. then we sat on the art gallery stairs and watched the peeps. there was a lot to see. when we go there there was a guy in bare feet drumming a bongo drum or something. we were sitting at the very top of the stairs but the bongo drummer would always communicate with me. i don't know why. like he stopped to put on his shoes and cover his drum and looked me in the eye and mouthed to me that it was raining. then someone started playing the guitar and singing across the street and we gave each other a "what's up with that??" look before he went on his way.

fatima and i talked about the benefits of living above chapters and the convenience of books that life would entail.

there was another guy who kept hobbling by with a cane and asking people if they had any weed. well he didn't say anything but he would motion with his hands. i saw him approach these young guys on the bottom of the steps and they took him around the corner.

fatima came home with me so i could give her her present. i did a painting for her. of course she guessed that back and shabu. i denied it but she didn't believe me. she's not supposed to guess i keep telling her but she don't listen. the painting was inspired by a close up picture of a poppy i took. i was frustrated with it at first because the colours in the picture were so vibrant and i couldn't seem to get it with the paint, but eventually i worked something out and i ended up being pretty pleased with it. fatima was relieved at it's size. she pictured taking a huge mammoth picture home with her on the skytrain. my painting wasn't quite dry so i drove her home. it was raing hard. dreary wheather yesterday hey.

when i got home with the watermelon, cousin becky called. we're doing foods together on a tuesday apparently during the family reunion. (that's me and you twinners btw.) she wanted to know what we should make. way too soon for me to be making such a decision. i mean i have two whole weeks! but becky needed to know. and her daughter is being baptized that day so when she suggested chili (easy) i agreed. chili and buns. not fancy but can be good. i hope a green bean isn't accidentally mixed in. i hope a snap pea doesn't fall into the bubbling brew. so i'm getting the stuff and we're all splitting the cost. and that's that. becky and i talked for a bit and caught up. she asked about you karey. she has another baby and she told me when i asked that yes her bosom has reinflated much to her dismay.

i'm starving and it's past midnight. i had a two hour nap. i'm like that.


Anonymous said…
You write very well.