heather and i went for a walk on the dike one beautiful sunday evening:

it was blowing in the wind. kinda cool, i thought.

i look at this picture and i want to enjoy the vibrent green and the sun in my hair but i can't help focusing on my overgrown eyebrows and those teeth. oh well it is what it is right?

the next day it was only randy and i for fhe. we went to the beach and had a walk and some good talks:

this is us sitting on the jetty. randy liked the word jetty.

a sneeky heron.

the last golden rays of the day.

that's not sky. it's sky reflected in water.

randy and i posed for a self-portrait before going home then the batteries died. i have sinced changed the colouring and exposure somewhat and i think that we look clammy don't you?
