yesterday elicia and i went to the temple. i've been really wanting to go to the temple. i missed april and i missed march. so i decided that yesterday was the day. we were supposed to leave at nine oh clock, but at 8:40 elicia was still in her pjs and unconcernedly playing with the cats despite my stern warnings. when elicia finally wandered on her little way, i started looking for my passport. i couldn't find it. i looked everywhere. i really did. i couldn't think of where it was. i thought i may have taken it out of my purse at work and left it on my desk. i had a bad feeling. it was ten after nine and elicia was still moseying. she was doing her slow shuffle towards the kitchen and i knew she was going to get some breakfast. "come on!" i called and just went out to the car. a few minutes later elicia arrived greatly weighed down by her many bags. "i didn't even grab butter for my bread." she told me. "well you need to have consequences." i replied. haha. anyways we drove to my work and it wasn't there. then elicia helped me remember that the last time i saw it was in my blue purse. so we went back home. i couldn't find my blue purse anywhere. i tore the house apart looking for it. the last time i remembered seeing it was on my bed. i began to think we wouldn't be going to the temple. all dressed up and nowhere to go kind of thing. i called elicia who was waiting in the car. she came in and i told her how the last time i saw it was on the bed. i don't know how she thought of it, because i wouldn't have, but she eventually lifted up my mattress and there it was squished in between! of course then i recalled that i flipped my mattress the week before. my passport was inside. we left at 10. i have to give it to elicia, she was pretty kind and patient about my lost passport but i was impatient with her fumfering.

it took almost an hour to get through the border but when we got up to the booth the guy hardly asked us any questions at all. "you're both canadains?" "yes." "who owns this car?" "i do." "how long are you planning on staying here?" "just today." (here? how ambiguous is that?) and then we were through. free at last.

elicia slept quite a bit. i listened to general conference talks and sang along with my 'church' cds. we stopped for gas somewhere just before everette. at first i stopped at a shell station. when i went inside to look for the atm there was a guy sitting on the counter staring at me and playing a beat on the counter. i looked around for the atm and couldn't see one. he kept staring and banging out a beat. he was annoying. elicia asked me then if i was looking for the atm. she said it was out of order. "oh well we'll have to go across the street." i said turning my back on mr. annoying. so we drove the chevron where the people were very nice. the lady who helped us apparently had a snaggle tooth but i didn't see it. elicia did. she said she's very observant about these things. this would surprise fatima who says i obsessively examine myself and others. i had a payday amongst other things.

i was the first to see the temple. i often am. i knew elicia was looking for it because she was leaning forward in her seat scanning the skies. she dont' know where to look. i does.

we ate first. it was one oh clock after all. in retrospect i don't think it was a good idea to have turkey--the sleepy meat, but we thought it was a good idea at the time. it was nice that they had a yummy lean meat instead of the often fatty meat dinners they have there.

at the clothes rental place a cute little old german lady helped me. before going to the chapel i showed elicia a sealing room. our session was at 2 and it was small. small sessions are nice because they're done faster and because it's so quiet in the celestial room after.

it was so nice to be in the temple. sure i had to pinch myself a lot to stay awake but i blame that on the turkey. i had a good heart to heart with heavenly father. i felt cleansed and peaceful. and afterwards i felt light and giddy, like i often do. i felt ready to face some things in my future.

elicia spent some time on the way back sleeping as well, but we talked too and i sang hymns to myself and we stopped at cold stone creamery in bellingham. it was hard to find at first because i missed the exit, but we found our way eventually. it was on the meridian of time road. i got the mojo mud pie. YUM. i asked for an "i like it size." but once again was given the "i love it" because they made it too big. same thing happened to elicia.

we had an hour wait at the border. elicia was reading her book which, hello, was boring to me, so i put on vinyl cafe. so waiting was bareable and the evening was lovely. our lady border guard was a toughie. she went through my trunk and looked in my temple bag. she asked about what was in it. i told her and she let us go. it's weird to have a tough canadian guard after so lax an american, but whatever. whatever trevor.

once we were home i spent the rest of the night on the computer researching. something is building in my chest and it's not fear. it may be excitement.
