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amy was exhuberant about the so called tyler. "doesn't he remind you of sean mantta?" she asked. before i could answer and say something about a flabby nose, she said "and he's lds!" then she admitted to me that she let 'them' eat the macaroons. she put it more like they decided to eat the macaroons and there was not a single thing she could do about it. like she couldn't say "those are for my macaroon deprived sister." and snatch them away, for example.

we listened to the rankin family. amy mused that since rankin was a name rarely heard that the afore mentioned rankin family must have copyrighted the name. i got off the hwy and headed to an insurance place in richmond. it was one i went to once with dad and i really liked it. so i went back. amy waited in the car. i gave her the crossword puzzle. "i'm not good at cross..." her voice faded out. "that's ok." i said cheerily. the door to the insurance place had the times of operation on it. i read saturday: 0:00 -0:00. hu? i was getting a case of the doubts. maybe it wasn't open. but then i saw a lady inside and i tried the door and it opened so i went inside.

ok she was the only lady and she was rushing about. "hi, i need to renew my car insurance." i said with a smile. well it turned out that they aren't open on saturdays anymore. she said they only open for appointments because saturdays are so dead. but she seemed happy to help me. she was a really nice lady. she was nice aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand she solve my problem of paying my insurance every month just a few days before pay day. she solved it with a smile. she was very personable and i believe i'll go back there all the time. i pay 3 dollars less this year. i also found out that i have roadside plus which is somewhat similar to bcaa but cheaper. can you believe it?? i didn't know. that would have come in handy when i locked my keys in the car that time. she gave me a card for it.

when i got back to amy she was reading the funnies. amy showed me all the delectable desserts she brought me from the bakery. one by one she pulled them out of her bag (a bag that was bearing a startling resemblence to a 'carpet bag'. a magic carpet bag. uncanny.) there was a with box filled up with cheesecake. amy was fond of pointing out the lump of gnache on top of the chocolate skor cheesecake. the other one was white chocolate raspberry cheesecake. both of a pleasing weight and heft. next she pulled out a round loaf. roasted garlic pesto! she enthused. we ate our market chews right away. those are soooooooooo good!

on the drive we talked about a healthy breakfast but on the stairs up to my apartment we fell over ourselves agreeing that we should eat one of the cheesecakes. the white one was first to be devoured. so thick and creamy and frothy. so so so good.

we made a plan for the day, i showed amy my cali pictures and then we had a short cat nap. our day involved donairs first and foremost. ember eyes was working and he cast a resentful look at me, saying a short "hi.", his fires flooded past any hope of relighting. i didn't let it get me down. afterall how can you feel bad when you're about to eat a donair of all things?! we both got the lebonese style chicken ones. amy was impressed to see that they used farm fed chickens. once we had donairs in hand we felt like we couldnt' wait until getting to any scenic locale. we ate them in the car. eating the donairs, let's face it, made us happy. it was a good omen for our day.

the donairs made us thirsty. amy bought us water at the gas station by loomis. i stopped at the gum dispensing station to hand her a piece of peppermint gum, to make the water all the more refreshing. "you can't name this a station after coming here only one time!" objected amy. oh how little she understands about the real world.

then we drove to loomis art supply store on main street. we found some good prices on canvasses and paints at loomis. loomis. loomis. we liked loomis. we looked at some shops around loomis. loomis. one was bed+chair. so not only can you find a bed there but quite possibly a chair too. we saw these antique asian pieces that we liked. the guy told us that everything was 40% off. at that i said in an aside to amy "if only he knew i had just spent my last five dollars until payday". 40% off a 600 dollar piece is meaningless when one is as stretched for cash as i have been recently.

there was also wayne's on main. i just liked the name so we went to see it, but it was just a barber shop. a barber shop with cool name though. and we found this hidden treasures shop. it was filled with numerous retro type items. there was one of those cool hair dryers that you sit under. i would have loved that. it was 250, i think. there was one of those black ball chairs too. we did kick poses in the reflection of it and thought how that would be a great picture. we were sad about not having a camera because that was one of the things we really wanted to do--take pics together, but we decided to take pictures with our minds instead and get inspiration to paint that way. the guy at the cash paid us absolutely no notice--just sat and read, but i didn't mind. i liked it that way. amy had an awkward moment with a fellow she was trying to get past.

since we weren't that far away and since we wanted to and all, we went to casa gelato. it wasn't as busy as i thought it would be. "where have you been all my life?" guy was not working but i think his mom was. she didn't help us though. we systematically went around asking for a couple tasters each at every case of gelato and shared what we got. one of the guys dug amy. he always gave her a big scoop and me a little. i didn't mind though, he was right to admire her. only right i say. some catchy music came on and we shuffled to the side with the beat. amy felt we were geeky but enjoyed it. i was quite taken with raspberry chichi and ended up getting it. amy tried durian for the first time and lived to tell the tale. she was in a fruit mind set and ended up with the tart blackberry yoghurt. two ccoops has gone up to 5.5o now. gosh.

we drove towards home but on a whim we kept going and i showed amy iona beach. i hadn't been there since the rainbow day with shteeve. that was such a good day. iona beach wasn't as lonely this time however. as we walked around taking mind pictures we ended up talking about things that i hadn't thought about for months. iona wasn't as beautiful as i remembered it. it just didn't seem as magical. i think it looks best at the last light.

something really weird happened there though. as we were driving along fergusson road we passed a cyclist. a girl with a braid. she was in all the cycling gear and amy commented on her stance or form if you will she said that she may as well be andreas because that is how he always rides. so after walking around iona for quite some time she rides by us in the parking lot. i thought it was weird how she was just arriving and then even weirder as we were driving out, along fergusson, she passed us AGAIN. and she was always going the same direction. it was soo weird! she was for sure the exact woman. she had the same braid, clothes, and cycling stance. it would seem that she was looping around and around but i know of no other road out. weird hey.

we spent our evening painting and watching everafter and fly away home. amy and i did a project together. we had three square canvases and decided on a cherry blossom theme. i painted one and she painted one and then we did one together. it was fun. painting is so fun. i have another canvas all to myself. i actually didn't watch much of everafter. i had my head down painting but hearing it, i could see it in my mind's eye clear as day. i've seen it so many times and each time leonardo da vinci cries out "danielle!" in his shaky voice is like the first time.

we had salmon fillets with a mustard glaze, new potatoes in a garlic herb butter and slices of the yummy bread amy brought. we hit the hay. amy had a long toenail with a splarsh of colour on it poking out from the covers.

i have to go to bed. i'm so so so so so tired. can...not...continue....
