march 21st--day two of sisterhood=sistergood

katie and sarah donned my accessories, we shopped at daiso and at some other cute shops in the shopping centre. there were a lot of t-shirts with funny sayings on them. engrish sayings if you know what i mean. then we threaded our brows. or rather the lady at sultan cuts did. she was the one who always goes really fast and misses some, but there was so much to get off i didn't mind a few strays. my brows were veritable bushes by this time. then we decided to go eat at the fish cafe.

i clicked sarah and katie while they talked. i like this picture because of the look on sarah's face, which i think is a pure sarah face, and for the fish on the wall behind her.

straight haired katie in the midst of conversation looking very cute and not sinewy at all. i like the menu behind her head. you can even see what we got. seafood platter (1) for 34.95. we discussed with the darren pillings-esque waiter about the options of getting crab cakes instead of the mussels. but there were only two crab cakes. faux darren said if the price was right we may be able to get three. we didn't like the sounds of that, so we stuck with the original contents of the platter, although it was hard to let the crab cakes go. we got to pick our fish though, and i suggested sword fish and katie and sarah didn't disagree if you know what i mean. we had it blackened. a blackened fish is what i call a good fish. when we told the not-quite-darren that we wanted platter 1 he insinuated that it was not a lot for three to share "if you're sharing..." he said somewhat doubtfully. "of course we're sharing!" snapped katie. we laughed about this answer after darrenclone left. "well who gets a platter for only themselves??" rightfully queried katie. (picked pic)

and i thought i should show adriel looking cute, checking out the surroundings and chowing down all at the same time.
