march 20--the day the ants attacked. ie. hood day

the ant that died for chicken

when i found that ant in the chicken, lisa, who was frying another pan of diced chicken wordlessly put on her hood. and that's how the hood monday began.

in this one i think she looks all gangsta.

but this one of tanya is my favourite. i don't know what it reminds me of. she's so tightly bundled up, like people in those one piece space suits with hoods or like speed skaters! yah! it's my pick of the hood pics

lisa and tanya thought that the hood pics made them look to cheeky, so they sucked their cheeks in for this one. it reminds me of that painting 'scream'.

me and my gangsta self.

turned middle eastern veil wearing self. (the veil is some paper towel fyi)

i told mireya to put on her hood and she obeyed without question.

so did una but she just continued to work on her paper work. this pick kind of makes her look bald or something.
