paco salad

today's word: giddy

i'm proud of heather because she completed the big run this morning. she's proud of me because i did it for a second time. sometimes it just felt like we weren't even running. we were just shuffling our feet. no matter.

after our run i gave my naughtty cat some posative attention.

then i had a shower and i sang songs. i used to always sing songs in the shower but i stopped when we were living with katrina. she said it was annoying. and then i guess i kind of forgot about singing in the shower and how happy it makes me. i usually sing hymns or primary songs. today i sang how firm a foundation, how great thou art, i'm trying to be like jesus, and i heard him come. if i had time i would have thn grabbed my hymn book and flopped on my bed and sang some more. sang until my vocal cords snapped. but as it was i had to go to work and to tell you the truth i was a triffle uneasy about people in the hall overhearing me. so i said my prayers instead and for some reason i said them in swedish. and it turned out to be one of those prayers. the kind where my spirit feels his spirit. and the sun was shinning into my room making it bright and clean and i on my knees, felt warm and sunny inside.

in my car the song that just so happened to be playing on a cd from karey, was fishing in the dark, of which i sang every word on the top of my lungs, and after that was the "i had a bbq stain on my white t-shirt, she was killing me in that mini skirt. skipping rocks on the river by the railway tracks..." and i sang those two songs repeatedly on the way to work and when i walked in i couldn't stop singing the fishing in the dark one and dancing around. because i always feel so giddy and light and joyous after a spiritual moment/cleansing. and so i'm sure i was a bit annoying to my co-workers, but that's what they have to put up with. that's me. and i think the members love it when i'm on a high.

we made shepherd's pie for lunch, and i have a growing distaste for shepherd's pie. it just doesn't look good. i never eat that when we have it. i had a texas ranger chicken quesadilla instead. after lunch daniel-san and i made banana muffins with chunks of white chocolate in them. we'll sell them in the snack bar towmorrow for 29 cents each. that price will drive rick crazy, which is my diabolical plan.

after work i picked up some hair products at the mall then i came home, fed the felines, and fell asleep in my bed shutting out the feline predators of peace.

wedensdays are show and tell in my unit at work. you get a point every time you bring something for show and tell, but you don't win anything. mike changed it to hottie points one day. he told me i should have more points. thanks mike i said. he tends to be flirty. he has this eager little boy face, but he's really in his forties. anyways today i was going to show the picture of the police i took last friday. (i got picked up by the police on friday. no joke. i was on the bridge taking pictures and someone reported me as a jumper. it took some time before they believed me and they even hauled me off to the station. someone said i had my leg over the railing. ya right! i'm scared of hights and i was all queezy being at the edge of the bridge. anyways before they drove be back i asked to take their picture, so i have a cheesy picture of them grinning in front of a police car.) i refused to show them before because i wanted the points for show and tell. so basically what i'm getting at is is that i forgot my camera at home. it was the one day i didn't have it with me.grrr. but lisa said i can have a point if i show it tomorrow because she wants to see it. so i'm like ok. because it's all about getting the points.

outwardly i look calm, but inwardly i am raging against this machine. how come it knows exactly when to irk me???

yesterday i did something uncharacteristic. i did my laundry AND folded it and put it away BEFORE i went to bed. once in a while i surprise myself.

heather came over and we watched top model. boy there are some crazy girls in it this time. i can't wait until the make-overs. there are these two plus models this time and one is black. she is sooooooooo beautiful. the other one is pretty too, but this one has an illumination, ie "glow". heather brought ice cream, julie our visiting teacher brought one bite brownies, heather also brought chips. ugh.
