a joyous friday

fridays are almost always a nice day. fridays are the end of the work week and the beginning of the weekend and for that reason alone they hold an hounored spot in most people's hearts. no matter how beat, or wiped out you are by the end of the week, i don't care who you are, you're glad it's friday. anyways, this friday was extra special for me because bethany came to visit. as i left work i felt grateful for the sun and glad at the beautiful world.

and as i drove down the strip where the ocean is on both sides of the road i saw birds rising up off the sand in flight, reflected in the pools of water and i thought "here is my photo of the day." when i picked up bethany i told her of my plan. "no." said bethany. "well goodbye! thanks for coming! it was so good to see you again!" i said cheerily heading to my side of the car. bethany demanded to be let in the car and i pretended not to hear. then i snapped her picture because i liked the way the sun was shining through her wind whipped hair. and then i taunted her some more, and then i took another.

we never made it to any birds but we took lots of pictures. it was so cold and windy but fun. bethany is just so full of possible pictures. every time i look at her i see a picture. like this candid one where she is adjusting her hood. i like it.

my picture of the day for january 26, 2007--after we took this picture, bethany slipped the stone in her pocket. she's partial to that kind of beach rock.

bethany was taking a series of pictures of me tying my shoe. (she found my white shoe pleasing) this picture was taken just after the pretend tying was finished. i looked up and smiled and she took the 'click'. we liked the kind lighting and the way my curls are trying to look good for the camera.

i love this picture of bethany. blanched log, white face and black fringed blue eyes. i just like it. i was looking at her through the camera and then she looked up and i was like "i love it. i'm going to take a click." but it all happened faster than it took to read that sentence. on another picture at a different angle this log looked like her funeral pyre. like we would send her out to sea on it.

in my eyes this picture is an experiment gone right. i'm perfectly pleased and happy about this picture. there's nothing i would change. that my boy is what we call saaaatifFAction!

the thing i like about this one is the way the horizen looks rounded. a world shot, i called it. bethany surveying her world. embracing it.

and me being somewhat mona lisa about it all. i know it's there behind me. i know it.

and i don't quite know what to say about this picture. it just is.

bethany and i gratefully warmed up in the car. and bethany put in some tunes. we drove through the flat land farms with mountians blue and sharp circling us. i love the tswassen drive home.

i got threaded and bethany paid for it. what more could a hairy eyebrowed sister hope for in life? the zippy girl was there and was quite chatty. she knew we were sisters. as i walked out like two minutes later i could feel uprooted hairs matted to my lip gloss and sticking to my eyeball. zippy girl threads like a tornado in tolito.

so we all decided to go to a free imax show. (all = me, bethany, and elicia). we bought donairs on the way. i told bethany to ask steamy eyes what she should get and of course he recommended the regular chicken. before we caught the b line we stuffed our donairs in our purses.

we were a little late for happy feet, but we didn't miss anything important. our donairs were a bit chilled but delicious. bethany thought mumble happy feet was a bit of a dwebe, but he had elijah wood's voice, so he didn't have much of a chance. i just didn't under stand why all the other penguins his age were normal looking and he looked like he was in a perpetual stat of partial adolescence! that bugged a little, but i guess it was so we could pick him out in the croud, aka, crowd, ie. multitude. i liked the little mexican penguins. they were where the funny was at.

wonders of wonders, miracles of miracles, god tooka a taylor by the hand... speaking of taylors we saw jordan putting a bag on jane's stomach as we walked out of the theatre. later he claimed that it made her laugh. that's because she had no air, i told him. anyways, turns out he and tracy and maria and jane had been at the very same show. maria showed us her happy feet. she also brought me to the consession to show me the candies. "you should ask your dad to buy you that." i prompted.

jordan told us that we just so happened to be at canada place the day they were having a huge convention type thing called mission fest 2007. sure enough the halls were full of banners with scripture quotes and christians were as thick as ants in an ant hill. there was a prayer room right beside the coat check room. i asked bethany if she wanted to go, but she didn't.

on the way to the bus we saw the tell tale signs of some filming going on. bethany wanted to check it out, but elicia didn't so she left us. bethany and i walked down the road but then i felt timid and shy. i didn't want to get in trouble from the techies. so we hung back, uncertain. just then a tall scraggly youth in a reflector vest and sporting a walkie talkie motioned us forward with a knowing look. you should be able to see from here he said. she enough when the cameras were rolling we saw a girl run out of an office building, run down the stairs and out of site. there were leaves blowing at her and i kept seeing leave fisted hands appear in front of the leaf blower. after she ran out of our site, we heard some loud yelling and a bus passed. the guy told us it was for a movie called passenger. so we saw a part.

then we took the bus home. before walking to my humble abode we bought some stuff to take to gramma's birthday potluck and for our special dinner that we're cooking. we were parched so we naturally bought pommegranite juice. and a mango for our salmon of course.

back at home we watched fly away home. i realized that one of the reasons i really love that movie is the music. in different scenes i would be like "oh ya! this music!". i love the uncle too. he's such a lovable nerd. and i love a lot of things. "i thought you liked the geese!" "i DO LIKE THE GEESE!!!"

after that bethany went to bed and i wrote a blog entry. and that was my friday.
