on saturday morning i went for a run with heather. we went to the park. it was a foggy morning and all i saw was possible pictures everywhere i went. i kicked myself for not bringing my camera. so i decided to go back on sunday morning and bring bethany.

(bethany thankfully decided to brush her teeth before we went.)

well i was sadly sadly disappointed. sunday morning was not foggy. there was no sun struggling to burn through the fog at all. there was sodden, dreary, cheerless weather. i hoped there might be fog closer to the river. but there wasn't. it was very disheartening but i did manage to take a few pictures i liked.

picture of the day for january 28th 2007

then we came home yadda, yadda, yadda, church, blah, blah, blah.. then i made a salmon with fresh salsa on it and mango chunks. it turned out so yummy! bethany made garlic mushrooms and i made some mushy broccoli. the night before in between painting and reading bethany made the most perfect cheesecake ever. so we had a nice meal is what i'm trying to say.

then our visiting teachers came and then i took bethany to the ferry and we sang on the way. then i hugged her goodbye and she went off with her amazing artsy painting, that i wish that i kept, but i'm glad she gets to have because she loves it. i hope she doesn't get the kill joys like i struggled with.
