ugh. five cheese dogs is four too many. don't ask me why i know this. i'm too ashamed to say.

last night after the christmas devotional we went to sara's for cookies. i was reluctant to go but elicia really wanted some cookies and heather wanted to go, so who was i to be a stick in the mud? heather ran back into the stake centre to tell sara we were coming. she said she may as well go with sara too. so elicia and i left.

"we're going to get there before them." i complained to elicia in an eorye kind of voice. "i know." she agreed, "sara will be all 'blah, blah, blah' and chit chatty." and i may have been right but we'll never know because when i was about to pull up in front of her apartment building, it looked like there was too much snow and ice to safely park, so i turned right down a road to go around the block. i assumed it was possible to go around the block. you know what happens when you assume don't you? well it happened to me. the road became the longest snake road with no cross streets. i ended up having to do a huge loop. by the time we got back to the front of the apartment, i had given up any pretensions of being the first ones there. and we didn't know the buzzer number. we knew the floor but not the buzzer number. and we didn't know her phone number. so elicia started buzzing people on her floor. her practice was to buzz again if the first buzz was not answered. luckily we only got one wrong number and lots of no answers. sara's number was one of the last. christal's sister katie came down to let us in.

there was another problem. i couldn't take off my boots, unless they had some skinny scissors. so i had to explain about the broken boot when i got there. sara suggested a twist tie and that worked alright, but not as good as skinny scissor points. davina was there too. and we actually had a good time. davina seems a lot more toned down. and the three different kinds of cookies helped too.

if i threw up right now (which i feel very close to doing) the colour of my puke would probably be similar to amy's that time she kept throwing inside the tent at the foot of our sleeping bags. throwing up is such a tramatic experience. i'm just saying is all.

i forgot to say that early early on sunday morning i fell out of bed. it happened after archie persistantly pressed his wet nose against my face to wake me up. his wet nose has this uncanny ability to be everywhere at once. no matter which way i turned it would be there ready to disturb my sleep. so i swung my legs over the side of my double bed, but the double mattress was hanging over the double box spring. the result was a fell out of bed with loud thud. right on my padded hip. but all i cared about was letting archie out and falling back into slumber. so i stumbled to the door and let him out, but on the way back i pushed the mattress back on top of the boxspring in one deft movement while simultaneously falling on said mattress. and i had hardly enough time to have an ironic thought about falling out of bed before i was snoring again.

i'm still at work. it's creepy to be here late all by myself. i'm a busy doing christmas things. christmas takes a lot of commitment.
