we ran down by the river. we ran in the rain and it felt great. i appologized to heather this morning. she was down with it. heather understands volitile emotions. heather was appropriately appreciative of our new found park. we got totally drenched. i told heather we were real runners now. baptized by rain. she was a good sport about the rain, maybe because of my little fit the night before, maybe because i was being more reasonable about her feelings, maybe because it was a new day.

there was a big barge on the river today. i liked running on the springy wood board walk. we saw one duck surrounded by many seagulls standing in the water with their heads ducked under their wings. trying to find refuge from the storm.

when we got home i had a bath. i rarely have baths. i decided to use one of my bath treats and i picked a homemade bath bomb i got from somewhere. archie the orange cat followed me into the bathroom. he stood on his hind legs peeking into the bath, facinated with the fizzing, diminishing bomb. curious about what was water, what was solid, he would dart an orange fuzzy paw into the water and splash it and smell it, then bat at the fleshy island of my knee or shoulder, surprised to find it solid. he was always startled by my hand or foot emerging from the depths of the water, perhaps like a ghost ship, in his eyes.

it's so dark today. the kind of day to be cozy and stay in.
