sooooooooo hungry!

katie, brent and i had an unbelievable two and a half hour wait at the border on saturday. we were booby trapped by our usual short cut. the border guard was uncharacteristically jolly though. he said we were late. a bunch of other temple goers went through ages ago. well, i said, it took us a while to get here. then when he was looking at brent's passport he said "brent must love rolos" and opened the book to show us where there was a rolo wrapper stuck in the crease. haha. i guess you tell a lot about people by their passports i said.

katie and i had some good talks but i think brent was totally bored for most of the trip. on the way home we were going to sing hymns but we only sang two and then got lost in conversation. we saw brother sutton in the cafeteria line-up. at least we were pretty sure it was him (we had to imagine a big curly perm), but katie said she remembered him, so we couldn't ask for sure. we also saw elder green from our production of saturday's warriors. i pointed him out to katie and asked if he looked familiar to her. ya, she said, do you know where we know him from? saturday's warriors i guessed. katie was pretty sure he was elder green and i thought she was right. weird after all these years that saturday's warrior performance is still with us. it was a meaningful moment in our lives. i had never seen the video. that was my first experience of saturday's warrior and it's still the original in my mind. i still remember mrs. cahoon picking jordan and i up and taking us to mcdonald's and sitting with her at queen elizabeth theatre. it was so exciting.

katie and i talked about balance and how it's so hard to acheive. we thought if we lived closer to each other we could have a co-op for the things we were struggling with. like she would come over and help me with my taxes and i would come over and help her with her laundry room. and so on. i wish she did live over here. we talked about our family and how it's important not to get caught up in our own lives and forget about each other. i think so too. this world is so powerful and distracting. distracting us from important things like the people we love, the good we can do, wandering off in mists of ourselves. know what i mean?

i stopped and fed rothco before i came home from dropping brent and katie off at the ferry. he was starving and so happy to see me. i got home in time to help elicia stuff envelopes with the ward newsletter. i was going to watch a movie, but i was so tired i just stumbled to my bed and slipped off into slumber.

elicia was making herself supper. she was slicing cheese. all of a sudden she said "do you want a slice of cheese?" ok i shrugged. she brought it to me. then in rapid succession she offered me a "bite of chicken" and some broccoli and her last slice of sourdough bread. she pressed them on me and i thankfully took them. what could i do? i ate them with a glad heart.

yesterday leif taught sunday school again. i don't know what the deal is, but he and randy keep trading off, but as far as i know, no one has been called. i can tell that he has been through something hard and it has refined him. his lessons are spiritual and you can feel the spirit. in choir, marika, the girl who plays the piano asked me and elicia about him. she has a friend she wants to hook him up with. elicia and i smiled at each other. choir was good. we're singing some really pretty songs and lots of people have joined. we enjoy it when sara is snippity to her family members in the choir. she sure puts a lot of work into her calling. she made us all cds with each song played with all the parts together and then each part played seperately for each song. maria elena made us all treats.

after church i picked mom up from the ferry and on the way i was learning all the parts to all the songs. i especially went over and over all the parts for i saw three ships come sailing in. mom and i talked for a while in her hotel room. she killed a wasp with her shoe. i put the rest of my licorice allsorts under dad's pillow. mom said she didn't want them and i said but dad might and you can't make that decision for him. and that's why i put them under his pillow. we had some good talks too. she told me about dough and del's house miracle. that's pretty neat.

this morning i read some scriptures in the topical guide under the heading sorrow. then i went for a run without heather. heather's gone for two weeks. it was supposed to be an easy run but it was hard. i could hardly catch my breath. when i got home i coughed quite a bit. it might have been an asthma thing as katie says, but i don't know. maybe it was just an off day. a harder day.

archie is being so cute right now. he's curled into a ball between my two arms, the laptop and my chest. his head is resting on the crook of my left arm (and my two outermost fingers in that hand are totally asleep. it makes typing a weird thing). his back is against the edge of the laptop and his feet are pressed against my chest. he's a perfect creature of coziness and comfort. he always has to be here when i'm on the computer. oh dear my pinkie is fast becoming unusable.

there we go, he's shifted his head to squeeze himself more into a ball and i've regained feeling in all my digits. his head is tucked in past his feet. the orange stripes on his side gently raise and fall. my boy.

i'm utterly out of things to say. maybe you can tell.
