went to a s.a. fireside. shelley murley was the speaker and of course she was very good and had good stories and a good metaphor. it was about what people think of you and how to handle that. i cried again. i seem to be very emotional today. i've lost track of all the tears that have spilled over and slipped down my cheeks. i'd like to buy waterworks for 200 dollars please. scott sat down beside me and said "hi clarke." he said it like he needed a reaction from me. "i don't mind when people call me clarke you know. they do it all the time." then he explained to me that he said it in reference to faith (a woman) who always called me sister clarke and never tried to know my name. she knew dough or john or something at one point. so one time i saw her and scott was near by (and faith has a crush on scott) and she was all sister clarke and i, in a moment of ornariness, which you all know i get, said while shaking her hand "and i have a first name too. it's laura." apparently that's made quite the impression on scott because he always referrs to it. anyways aparently scott made a really good cheesecake for the potluck which i didn't go to. oh well. randy brought carrots of course.

randy has dyed his hair again. heather is done hiding her already thinly veiled displeasure in this choice.

heather and i are starting the walk run program again. i hope her back and knees will be alright.
