the skinny

i got a slightly sore bod. my bod is slightly sore and i don't seem to have the strenght to raise my arms very much. that's because i totally worked my arms out at the gym. i got to the gym and did my five minutes of warm up on the eliptical. i did forwards and back which really makes my quads suffer. joy cometh in the morning you know. then i went to do the weights on the computerized machines. well they were gone. i had heard rumours about getting new machines and there were new machines, but they weren't the computerized ones. i was sad because i have a whole system with the computerized ones. i asked the girl at the front, just in case the computerized ones had been moved somewhere else. i found her rather blase about the whole thing. she informed me glibbly that i could book a session with a trainer to learn how to use the new machines. ya right as if i would do that. i've had enough of those sessions with the 'trainers'. so i just went back to the machines and tried the new ones out, reading the instructions. i guess non-computerized is ok. the only one i don't like is the abs one. i couldn't get comfortable on the new one and it all seemed wrongo in the congo. the abs machine was a pivotal work out tool and will be deeply missed by me. rip.

i sent amy out to get buns and pickles for the chicken/turkey burgers i just made. kris and scott's burger were my inspiration for this project and so here's to kris and scott!

i went to see dr. howie today for my physical. gee aren't phyiscals AWESOME?? the best part is the pelvic exam. dr. howie and nurse linda were both here for this special event. although uncomfy the procedure didn't last long and apparently my ovaries are not enlarged (however he didn't say anything about MY hypothesis which is that they're shriveled up) with cysts or anything. my cholesteral, blood pressure and blood sugar are all great. something was slightly off about my liver, but nothing to be alarmed about. my thyroid is right as rain, you'll be pleased to know, andrea. however there was more of one kind of enzyme or whathaveyou than the other. so to get more conclusive tests, my next stop will be with a gynocologist some time in the new year probably. dr. howie thinks that children are possible. he can say that because he doesn't know about my love life...

amy got cheese onion buns for the chicken/turkey burgers and she plopped them down on red betty and squished them softly.

i saw stephen clarke walking down westminster on my way back from the doctor and en route to the gym. his brows were knit.

last night and this morning i felt like i re-caught my cold. i was sneezing and my eyes were watering and everything. my head felt thick and druggy too. it was the weirdest thing.

anyways i'm going to go now and eat some lean poultry burgers.
