random pics

i clearly remember those redwood park days. when the twins would need their own dip because they needed to be gobbling the whole time. sourcream and chips. potato salad. their chubby little cheeks full, serious and lost in the work of eating.

speaking of eating. here's handsome dad with his two cute kids.

let's be honest. i wish i was always cute, but this really was me in grade 6. my hair really was in those big awkward, frizzy, sloppy chunks. i really had that corn tooth. (maybe i still do...) i often borrowed my brother's leather ties and found a big white button up shirt to wear. i can own up to it.

gramma clarke's wedding. can you pick out verna and cliffie?

mom and her sister sing a hymn. i came across this after inspecting many pictures of mom and heather when they were girls. i liked the contrast, but i'm not including any of those photos. they're all put away. mom spoiled my picture fun by getting ready for thanksgiving. hmph.

katie, layne, andrea, john and doug on the slide.
