Puffs with lotion is kind and gentle on noses

i got sick on the ferry. on the ferry i caught a cold after resisting it all weekend. amy and i were just sitting there untangling the purple yarn, (and it took the whole ride) and all of a sudden i started having the sniffles. if only bethany didn't touch her nose so much! last night when i was trying to go to sleep, my nose kept suddenly filling up and overflowing with hot clear liquids. i eventually fell asleep with a puffs stuffed in both nostrils. this morning i kept waking up with dry mouth and tossing and turning. jordan was on the couch still in his blankie but on his gigantic lap top. he asked if i just woke up. i said yes. "no you didn't." he accused. "you woke up around six thirty." then he proceeded to talk about internal clocks. talk about dad reincarnated. "don't talk to me about internal clocks." i said in my indian accent voice.

i spent the morning blowing my nose and looking up info about applying for grad school. i found out that because of my first stats class where i got a D, my B+ average was pulled down to a B. you need a minimum of a b+ average to apply. so then i hoped that maybe since i retook the class and got a b they wouldn't count the first class, or something. i hoped even though it didn't seem probable. i phoned the school and asked a lady and she said everything would show up, but to look in the grad requirements page, so i did. sure enough it said b+ average. my heart dropped. then i noticed that it said OR at least 12 credits with As in the subject matter you're pursuing, and i HAVE 15! jordan was putting away his pillow and duvet. he said he couldn't stand this rollercoster any longer. so anyways that was on the general grad school admissions requirement page and not in the department that i want, so i hope they are like down with it. because i'm totally down with it. i'm nervous just with the thought of grad school. i mean i may not even get in! i should just cool it and do what i need to do just to get a chance. i've never really considered what i'll do if i can't get in. all my future plans have to do with getting in if you know what i mean. where do all these jitters come from??

amy showed up a while after jordan left. she did her resume and i made us a yummy chicken broccoli stir fry with sesame seeds, garlic and indonesian soy sauce (which is quite delicious). it was simple and yummy. we had rainbow tea too in the brown retro mugs. amy's choice. we used the okanagan honey to sweeten it.

amy came with me to my dr's appointment. it was a visit about my reproductive apparatuses. this was my first time to this dr. he's my new dr. i liked him alright. he had a gentle demeanor. he gave me a new description for a puffer to have just in case, and is sending me for all sorts of blood work. i think i lost the puffer perscription already. i get a full physical next week. goody goody.

while i was in with the dr., amy read, looked around steveston and did who knows what. we went to ikea so she could look at shower curtains. apparently she's in desperate need of shower curtains. we each found matts for our kitchens too. mine is cream with green stripes and amy's is the same but with red stripes. they were only 2.99. i didn't realize until we were at the check out that this was amy's first time at ikea. well well well. there was lots of cool things in the swedish food store, like jul must and pepperkaka and kladkaka (a gooey chocolate brownie type of cake) and ballerina cookies. we were both hungry so we couldn't resist the ballerina cookies especially as they had hazelnut chocolate in the centre and were only 89 cents or something. i also bought the kladkaka, but no one need know about that.

i didn't drive amy home because i wanted to lend her my helmet. i gave it to her and then shoved her out the door. she said she could take a hint. i hope she finds a good job. a good job with nice people.

then i lay on the couch and slept with the kitties and felt horrible. i slept until it was dark. i got up and felt horrible and i still do. i talked to lisa and i can tell she really wants me to come back to work, but she's not saying so. i don't like leaving them short staffed.

i love archie's eyes. they're so cute and sleepy. a little "oriental" like elicia's mom would say.

the other day bethany said in a confessional tone, "i have something to tell you." "what is it?" i asked. "i've been putting vaseline on my nose." "that's your confession?" i scoffed. i thought of this today and went to the medicine cabinet, pulled out some vaseline and smothered my nose with it.
