a bluster guster day

a big wind bright blue flying coloured leaves day like today always makes me think "glorious." i was so surprised and delighted when i stepped outside after work and a huge gust of air met me, and the world was blue and redrusty.

elicia's cooing and cuddling izzy behind me on the couch. elicia locks archie out of her room when she wants to cuddle with izzy in her room. she is heartless to his cries. when i remonstrate she says with her head down "i didn't want them to play." tch tch tch. archie gets his manhood lopped off the day after halloween.

i bought a microwave today for only 5 bucks and it's not too shabby. the arrival of a microwave made elicia estatically happy.

i worked out hard in the gym today. real hard but here i am sitting here gorging on goodie rings. i'm getting out of control with the sugar again. sigh.

elcia has read what i wrote above and now she's giving me lots of examples that prove that she loves archie. hahaha. she said "don't get all huffy and think that i don't love your cat."

i called amy when i was getting my gym strip out of the trunk of my car. "go outside." i told her. but she didn't. however as soon as i got home she was ready to go, hoping for an errand. so i sent her for survivor night treatsies. and that's why we have goodie rings. and sweet chili doritos.

today at the gym this guy kept making eye contact with me. i'm not friendly at the gym. i like to keep in my own little world. so i looked away. but he kept coming around me and looking at me. finally when i was on the triceps machine he was at the water fountain behind me and he said "you're not nancy are you?" i didn't think he would be talking to me. "you mean me?" i asked because i didn't see anyone else around. "yeah." he said. "no i'm not." i said and smiled because once you do talk to someone you should be friendly. "oh," he mumbled. "you looked like someone from before..." and he left. i hope nancy is good looking.
