all the federales say, could have had him any day...

i had fun at work friday night. there were lots of people and they all liked my almond chicken casserole. they are always so nice about my cooking. it's nice to cook for people who appreciate you. we carved pumpkins and made caramel apples. maryam was very excited about the caramel apples. even before dinner began she kept asking me when we were going to have the caramel apples. "after we've eaten and cleaned up." i would tell her. a few minutes later she would ask me again. it was hard to be annoyed with her because her face would light up so brightly with anticipation. she was so excited she even helped me do all the dishes. and she hates clean up. it was good she did because the other staff, who i won't name (DAN), didn't help at all until the very end when i was goading him with obvious passive aggressive cues like "it's ok so-and-so (DAN), i can do it ALL!" so we made caramel apples and then rolled them in crushed almonds, or chocolate chips or oreo cookies, or mini m&m's or any number of these combanations. as soo as we were done maryam began to ask me when she could eat hers. thus began an hour of that question.

i carved two pumpkins. both for other people. roberta didn't like using the knife and maryam didn't like touching the guts. i like touching the guts. but the hard pumpkin went too far under one nail, making it sore to this day. carmen did an amazing pumpkin. she drilled holes in the head and stuck in carrots that she cut down the middle and splayed so that when it begins to wilt it will look curly. she had huge butternut squash ears, rutabega eyes and i forget what the nose was. she's an artist.

i drove mark and dan to vancouver. mark approved of the janis joplin cd i was listening to. i dropped them off on the corner and drove home. it was time for harry potter eve. heather came over with the dvd player, the dvds and the creamcheesecaramel dip for apples. and so began our weekend of harry potter.

we only watched one friday night. we watched the rest from 12-8 on saturday. oh boy, what a marathon it was. amy made pork chops and a french vanila cake mix cake, left by karey (thanks karey), but she added chocolate chips and made a lemon glaze on top. she cooked them in loaf pans. we also had raspberry jello, tomatoes, cucumbers and carrots and jordan's favourite dill dip. i fell asleep during some part of the third movie. that was a lot of harry potter, let me tell you. i think parts of it are still going on in my head. it was neat to see them back to back though. you can compare them. you can see what they did different. it's all like one big story.

amy had to go part way through the fourth one (the one she wanted to see). i liked having her over, but i don't know if it was so great for her. she left her black tights and my bankcard is gone forever.

i didn't get much sleep last night and when i went to fill my empty car up, i had no bank card. i thought of not going to church. it was tempting. but at the same time i felt like i really wanted to go. i wanted to go because my soul needed nourishing. and not feeling like going was a good reason to go on its own. so i went and i'm really glad i did. it was primary presentation and the children were so cute and pure and full of light and goodness and the things they said and sang were so simple and true. it was nourishment. and then sunday school was on some good parts of isaiah and randy was the teacher and he's calmed down somewhat and takes his time more, to delve into things and so i liked it and sunday school was about faithfully enduring our trials, which is always a good topic. so anyways i'm glad i went. i was glad i went just during the taking of the sacrament. it felt good and holy.

on friday archie kept mounting izzy. so operation "keep the cats apart" began. i keep one in elicia's room with a temporary litter box and some food and water and the other romes the house. every couple of hours they switch. izzy has been driving me crazy today. she won't be happy. she meows and meows in her demanding way, but doesn't want to eat and won't settle down. i think she's in heat. i think we have narrowly missed a teenage pregnancy. i upped archie's appointment and he gets nuetered on tuesday. he's so cute when i let him out. he follows me everywhere. he's facinated with the bathtub and likes going in between the curtains and watching the water roll down. today while i was showering once in a while i would see an orange paw dart in and bat at a droplet.

i've sadly discovered that pancho and lefty aren't real people.
