a job well done; a productive day; that'll do pig, that'll do.

it's been a good saturday. a saturday of getting stuff done:

1. the floors.

2. my room--i moved everything around! my bed's in the middle of the room under the window with my hope chest at the foot, and there's a dresser on either side. and there's all this space, and it feels organized and nice and i finally like it in there. i even got out a screw driver and took off the metal fixtures that the wheels used to be attaced to, and put felt pads in their place. the kittens loved the new development and ran over and under the bed on both sides. (speaking of the kittens, i was looking for izzy today and i found her under my bed. there's a rip in the lining on the underside of my bed and when i looked under my bed there she was. she had climbed up and was all curled up in there. i think she goes there a lot. it explains her disappearing acts.) i was sneezing my head off the whole time. this is why i should never have to clean. i'm too allergic to dust.

3. dessert--i was so gung-ho doing my room that i had to drive to safeway to get the ingredients. didn't matter. i was still late. so i spread out the cream cheese, spread the skor caramel on top of that and smashed the skors and sprinkled them on top, and cut up the apple slices all in a frenzy. i should have took my time. it took heather and i at least twenty minutes to get from oak to cambie. they were squishing four lanes into one. it sucked. but once we were at the corn bust, aka corn on the corner, it was nice. there was a lot of good food, so much that i didn't even eat any corn, but that's ok, heather ate her fair share. she loves corn, just like addi. my dessert that i stole from christine, was a big hit. i walked up to get some and brother daniels was booming to someone else that it was a good one. sariah came and asked me what it was. she said it was her favourite. i told her and she said that's what she guessed it was. then she started grilling me on my past callings and what i liked about them. she was really surprised that i didn't have a calling. she made me a little nervous. then she started talking to us about s.a. stuff and her kids, yadda yadda yadda. i thought itwas nice that she came over. when the food was gone it wasn't long that heather was giving me that "i'm ready to go when you are look." but her english friend came over and talked to us for a while and elicia met some other montessorians, so that was nice.

4. seven years bad luck--i broke my mirror. elicia and i were just about to hang it. i had it leaning on the wall and izzy walked by and CRASH. it shattered. so now it's official. i really am having 7 years of bad luck.

well i have to say that i'm boring myself, so i'm out like trout.
