ludmilla don't live here no more.

yesterday i was crabby at work. i blew up at debbie during our unit meeting because she insisted that i couldn't drink hot chocolate. "i can have hot chocolate." i corrected. "no you can't." she said. "and you can't drink coke or pepsi because they have caffine!" "yes i can," i began, but she interrupted. "no you can't! i took a deep breath. the particular voice she was using was supremely annoying. grade three taunting type of high pitched voice. i took the low road and blew up at her like "don't tell me what i can or cannot have, i think i should know what i can or cannot have! i CAN have hot chocolate and coke or pepsi if i wanted to, but i don't choose to because i don't like them!" there was a pause. everyone was looking at me. i'm not often grumpy at work. "ok! grumpy pants. geeeeze." said debbie in a low submissive voice.

i was so tired all day. the kind of tired where you don't want to even open your eyes let alone be on your feet and working. i was tucked away in the thrift store all day because we were short staffed and i think it was a good place for me. i quietly sorted donations and gathered empty hangers, organized shelves and so on. so i was feeling a little better later in the day. that is, until i had to go on a housing visit to one of my less pleasant tennants. i tried to be patient and kind but it only lasted about five or ten minutes into his complaining, insulting, jerkiness. i had even helped him come up with a solution to his complaint but he continued complaining about the same thing, which had nothing to do with me. i just picked up my bag and began to walk towards the door. he followed me complaining. when i stepped out into the hall he stopped and said "i don't want to talk out here . it's too airy." (he meant people will hear him). i replied "well i don't want to talk to you about it anymore. we came up with a pro-active solution--" he cut me off "i thought of it. so you can't take any credit!" i looked at his unhappy angry face and turned away. "bye." i said bitterly. "i don't know why you're upset!" he called after me and slammed the door. grrrrr. i went back to work and told lisa about it while nursing two fudgsicles, one after the other. i started with "i hate so and so." lisa laughed. "i love it when you're grumpy. you say things like "hate"." she likes it when i am on the low road.

elicia and i have a smart ring, but it has turned out to be more of a bother than anything else. you see our smart ring was ludmilla's old number. and everyone including the rcmp, a collection agency, and several persistant friends who insisted to elicia that they did not have the wrong number. the collection place calls us every day. that ludmilla sure led the life.

last night i was on the phone when dad called me to invite me out for dinner and he left some funny tantrums on the voice mail. it's too bad too, because they went to the boat house in white rock. they were just finnishing their cedar plank salmon when i called them back. oh well. i got to walk a couple of blocks to see the cute guy who makes me a chicken donair. we have quite the connection, me and him, but it's mostly silent and understood.

i have just been informed that today fatima experienced her FIRST dilly bar. she has led a very sheltered life when it comes to dairy queen apparently.

elicia just cut some holes into the swipper box and the cats are playing in it. archie barely fits. she is having some good laughs playing with them.

ok, well i have to get my clothes out of the dryer and pack my bags, i'm a' leavin town!
