a giver of good gifts.

friday was the last day of my vacation. after a dull thursday i felt discouraged about my vacationing. i felt like i hadn't done anything. i felt like i wasted it and that i wasn't spending my time living. i struggle with living life a lot. sometimes i feel like i just let it go by, a non-participent. then i have a talk with myself. when are you going to start living? this is your only chance you know. the time that you let go by will never come back. you're not a kid anymore. you're aging and you are missing out on your own life. i really frusterate myself sometimes. anyways what i'm trying to say is that my soul felt stagnant and unfulfilled due to my own inertia.

so thursday night i made a decision. i decided to go to the temple the next day all by myself. and so i did. and just getting up friday morning with that purpose motivating made me a happy and inspired me to sing songs. i love to sing songs. i was singing songs when i walked by the pink slip with emeline hazlett's name on it and i suddenly got a lump in my throat thinking of her and how i was thankful i could take her to the temple. katie and i brought her sisters jane and sarah in june. there's something special about them that moves me. everytime i think of them i feel a springing up of joy.

i made myself a cd of music for the trip and two cds of my favourite general conference talks that i always listen to. i had a really nice solitary time. i don't know what it is, because at the temple it doesn't seem like i always have the most profound expereinces, but sometimes i do, but not always, but when i leave i feel stronger and more something. i found a scripture today that helped me understand a little bit.

"And we ask thee, Holy Father, that thy servants may go forth from this house armed with thy power, and that thy name may be upon them, and thy glory be round about them, and thing angels have charge over them;" --D&C 109:22

Heavenly Father really is a giver of good gifts.
