exhaustion--the state of being exhausted

had an exhausting day at work today. everybody was missing for some reason or another, except me and lisa. we've been having lots of days like this lately and it's reminding me of what it used to be like. we just barely scraped through lunch and the work just never stopped. i just felt so tired and the work seemed to just go on and on before me. wenedel and i made the cinnamon buns and that took me all the time until the work day was done. we're still not done! i have to bake them tomorrow morning.

all i feel is tired. that's my main emotion, if fatigue is an emotion. well i also feel heartbroken and sad because i just rewatched onegin and fatigue lends itself to grief and a welling up of those things. and the crying gave me a headache.

i haven't been much of a playmate for the kittens today. yesterday they provided unending amusement to elicia and i. they made us laugh with their hilarious antics. today i spent most of my time on the couch. at one point i was laying on my side snoozing to the news and archie came and curled up on my ribs, in the dip between my hip and my shoulder. my arm curled around him, and izzy took up a spot at my head, on the scratching post. (right now archie is being the cutest ever by trying to sleep sitting up, and wavering back and forth. he likes to be with me when i sit at the computer. he's a companionable creature, my archie bunker.

i'm not going to the gym tomorrow so i could stay up, but every fiber of my being cries to be put to bed. so i'm giving in.
