adlebuns, adlebuns, every morning you greet me! small and white, clean and bright you look happy to meet me, blossom of snow may you bloom and grow,

bloom and grow forever. adlebuns, adlebuns, bless my homelife forever!

just before sarah and kyle left for the phantom sarah nursed adriel and put him to sleep on my bed. i followed them out not able to help asking "do you think you'll be able to get out of my parking spot alright?" (it's a tight fit next to a cement wall and i know the trick of it) earlier i cautioned that he wasn't to get any scrapsies on the car. but i left my baby in their hands, and they left theirs in mine.

they weren't gone five minutes before they phoned me to confirm on a directional. at the same time i heard adelbuns' wails from the bedroom so i answered quickly and hung up. i picked him up and he burped as i patted his skinny little back. i also realized that he had some poopsies in his pantsies, so i changed the little man (hey! i think that diaper is still resting on my clock radio, come to think of it) but he still wasn't happy, so karey tried to pacify him while i warmed up his bottle in warm water. he was alright for a while although he lost a cup of drool on karey's arm, but she enjoyed it. when the milk was finally warm, karey wanted to feed him so i gave her the bottle. he wouldn't take it and began to wail. so she popped him onto my lap and i gave it a go. he took a little bit but it wasn't really what he wanted. he wanted to go to sleep. so i picked him up and left the room.

it was time to employ the useful knowledge i aquired way back in the days when the twins were nursing babies left by their mother on friday night. the pacing and singing to sleep technique. so i paced up and down my room with adriel in a snug grip, singing you are my sunshine over his wails. we settled down into a walk that was slightly bumpy and swaying at the same time. hard to explain but not hard to do. you just do it. i don't know how many times i sang you are my sunshine, but by the time i changed to the two swedish lullabyes i know, he was already asleep. the swedish lullabyes were just to get him to deep sleep. because the most critical point of walking a baby to sleep isn't getting the baby to sleep, it's the successful detachment from your secure hold to the bed. am i right? because after all the work of this putting to sleep technique, you don't want to start over at square one.

anyways it wasn't long before adriel was again tucked into bed sound asleep. and i was snoozing myself on the couch. he was a total good boy the whole rest of my babysitting stint. after he woke up he drank most of the bottle he refused before and he cooed and basically charmed everyone.

there's so much to write that i'm basically only going to write that one thing.
