this morning i woke up and went back to our old place to put up some curtains. there was a big hulabaloo about the curtains in my room. my room came with these horrible old curtains, but i never put them up and i took down the rod to put up my red ones later on. but we kept the curtains in a garbage bag and the last thing i did in the house after everything was done was put the bag in my room. well gladys and gar wouldn't give us our damage deposit back last week because they said the curtains were gone. the swore over and over that they weren't in the room, that they didn't see them and that maria the real estate agent didn't see them. that's strange, i would say, it was the last thing i did before i left. well it's not there, gladys would talk over me. maybe you can check. it might be with some of your things. we don't have it, i would say. anyways that was wednesday. i called the next night and left a message. i was getting a lot of pressure from the girls who all wanted their deposits back. gladys called back just as i was getting into bed and said that the curtains were now in the room. she said they weren't there before and maybe one of us still has a key and brought them back? !!! i reminded her that we all gave our keys back. but they weren't there! she said over me a little shrilly. (why would we want your stupid old ugly curtains i thought to myself, and why would we sneek them back into the house instead of saying oh yeah silly us it was accidentally with our stuff! i thought to myself) well it's a mystery i said out loud. so anyways i had to come and put them up today because gar has a bum shoulder. the curtain rod was so old and rusty and falling apart and the curtains were ugh, but they wanted them up so who am i to disagree. gar said he was hoping someone would come to help me. he was nice and helped me with his good arm a couple of times. he gave me the cheque later but still had to say as i was leaving that one of us must have a key and that we brought the curtains back. grrr. i said the same things. he did the same non-listening that gladys likes to do. oh well. i guess it was just too hard to admit that they were wrong and didn't look in the corner where they were lying.

meanwhile karey, sarita, heather and elicia all went up to whistler to do this really cool and fun zip treck. i didn't go because i thought i would be too freaked out and i didn't want to find out that i absolutely couldn't do it after i had paid the hundred bucks. still i wish i could have tried, in a way. but at least i got the moonlight paddle in. so i was alone and bored and lonely all day. i was going to be all productive and get all this unpacking and cleaning done but i didn't do very much. i played on the computer. i tried to watch tv. i napped. finally i got up and swept the house and did the dishes. that was when everyone got back. they had some fun pictures and they told me their stories.

after a while heather said her famous "i love you but we have to go" line and i said "i love you but i'll see you later" back and she said i was a pest or something like that. karey wanted to watch a dvd. but my soul was feeling stuffy and dead. i needed to get out of the house at least once. so i got her to come with me to get gas and some food at mcdonald's. she said "i'll come but only because "that's what friends are for..."". when we got back i swiffered our floor which feels much better now and way less grainy and i got karey to put up my paper box lamp. it is giving the room a lovely glow this very minute. (i've been saying lovely a lot lately. leif gave me that word. he used to say it quite a bit and now every time i say it i feel an echo of him. i'm still sad that he left our lives so completely. we were such good friends. the other day another leifism came back to me suddenly. i was in the car with karey and suddenly i just did a funny thing leif used to do. i had forgotten all about it. some things i guess you never understand. like why people leave you.)

we watched everafter. i should be in bed but i don't want to be.
