archie and izzy

yesterday, on fatima's 32nd birthday, elicia and i bought a flat of cat food and then headed over to foster mom kelly's to pick up our new babies and take them home. i was nervous and excited. so was elicia. "i hope they like us." she said to me.

kelly had tears in her eyes when she said good bye to the kitties. she especially had a hard time saying good bye to izzy. it was a little awkward. the cat babies were not happy to be suddenly placed in the carrier. they balked, but we put them in and left quickly so kelly could make a clean break of it. i wished we could have taken sammy too. he was so cute and fuzzy.

it wasn't long after we were in the car that the kitties began to meow. they kept up a constand chorus of desperate mews and they tried to push the bars open. izzy was the most vocal. she was starting to get beside herself with frantic energy and then she got mad. meanwhile archie began to calm down and lay down and fall asleep. when we were rounding the last corner, izzy suddenly lay herself down to sleep too. wore them out.

apparently when elicia opened the gate to their prison (i was in the washroom) they were very cautious. then they stepped out together at the same time. at first they just wandered around looking at things and were spooked at the tiniest thing, but eventually they started to play with their new toys. archie was playing with this little fur mouse with a bell on its tail when izzy came up and stole it. she picked it up in her mouth and backed away growling. she took it to one of her favourite retreats, behind the far right chair, and she wouldn't give it up most of the night. luckily archie didn't care that much. he was busy doing other things.

archie is a busy cat, and the bold one who explores and is the first one to jump up somewhere to check something out. izzy has been much more reserved and sometimes just a little freaked out by all these new people. she kept to herself more.

we had a lot of fun playing with them and watching them. they are just so exceedingly cute. after a bout of playing archie fell asleep on my foot and my foot was burning and my leg fell asleep, but i didn't want to move. eventually i transfered him to the ample bosom of karey where he slept in adorable positions.

when it was time for bed we slept with the door open which was weird for me. i showed archie my bed and he looked around and left only to return a little later. he seemed like he was going to settle down, but izzy kept mewwing loudly from the doorway, so archie would jump down and go to her and little later he would be back. he did that a couple times until i realized that i had two cats with me on the bed. wasn't that nice of archie to comfort his little sister like that?

i must confess that i did not sleep very well. lisa said i had the uneasy sleep of a new mother. they weren't making any noise. i was just always conscious of them there down between my feet and laying along side my leg, and on top of all that my neck was really sore. i thought about calling in sick this mornig my neck was so sore, but i thought if i did, everyone would think it was because of the kittens, so i did
n't.''''''''' (izzy just wrote that_) they're hanging out around the desk right now. she's much more friendly today. let's us pet her and stuff. they like watching my fingers while i type.

they both took off like a shot when i opened the door today when i got home. ha ha. archie takes off every time karey opens the fridge.
