sometimes in our lives we all have sorrow, but if we are wise we know that there is always tomorrow, lean on me....

just had a long sleep with weird dreams. i don't remember them anymore though. only the feeling of weirdness remains. yesterday morning i awoke from what seemed like a loooong dream of being held at gun point (like the gun was just pointed down and resting on the top of my head). that dream was a residue from the without a trace i watched the night before.

i worked the social at work last night. it was karaoke night. i groaned when i got karaoke night, but i actually like it. the members are so fearless and vulnerable the way they sing whether they can sing or not (and believe me there's a lot of not). it's endearing. makes me love them more. my little friend maryam kept telling me she had so much fun and wanted to know if we were having karaoke next week. she always took her turn to sing, but didn't know any of the songs. we just picked them out for her and she would barely mumble them into the mike. she's so cute. wendel told me he'd been singing his heart out. he was too. he sang almost a whole cd of songs like new york, new york or i left my heart in sanfransisco. (i've been calling wendel dread pirate vendela because he has a patch on one eye from an operation.) i sang some eighties love song that i can't remember right now, but it was fun.

sometimes karey tells me that i need to wash my clothes because they stink. the bewildering part of this to me, is that she says this when i am shockingly at that moment wearing freshly laundered clothing items. this happened not ten minutes ago. i told karey i just washed them. "oh really?" she said crinkling up her nose.

yesterday i spent a lot of my morning off doing an application for adoption. i found a kitty that makes my heart melt. he's a wittle and dark orange medium haired cutie. he was rescued with his 'best friend' from new orleans and sent up here. they said he was a casualty of hurricane katrina because of the tens of thousands of cats on the streets and thus resulting homeless kittens. the adoption proccess is pretty involved. i don't know if i'll get him or not but i really hope so. i hope hope hope!

fatima met me here after work. we were SUPPOSED to arrive at the same time but she was a little trigger happy and beat me here. "who does she think she is?" i thought to myself indignantly. you know it's so true about loving someone--you take the good with the bad. anyways i honked the horn and she ran out in her dazzling new rock star earrings that she got from an "ACCESSORY PARTY". um hello. is it just me, or is there a glaring undersight in not inviting me to an ACCESSORY PARTY?????! i mean wherever there are ACCESSSORY (yes 3 s's!) PARTIES in my vicinity, i should totally be invited. everyone must in fact know this protocol, so i must assume that i was purposely left out. let me tell you it was a trial of my love for the good and the bad fatima to pull forgivenss out of the friendship bag and lay it on the table between us. but i did my best. anyways my gorgeous friend hopped into the car and i predictably said a watered down slightly tinged with humour dad hello, "i told you to be outside!" fatima laughed and said "i knew you would be like this." "and i knew you would be like this." i replied with an insinuating look. everything was right. we were both the way we always were. we drove off towards blockbuster and girl from eeepohneeemah was playing. fatima gave me a look that said "i don't understand this, but i will ignore it." when i began to sing along.

when we walked into blockbuster i led the way and skipped the turning thing and walked right through the handycapped gate. this is a habit i've required from karey. fatima catching up from behind said "basically we just came in the wrong way." haha, breaking little rules like that are a tiny stumbling block for her but she enjoys them at the same time. i am totally speaking for her in this regard and i have brought this to our relationship since the time i on purpose shocked my two little goody-goods, fatima and myles watson, on purpose, at london drugs(?) and dropped things from the shelves onto the floor just to enjoy their high pitched gasps and scrammble to set things right. sigh. anyways i knew the three movies that i wanted but fatima was dwadling. i suspected that she was looking at alternatives, so i rushed us along. at the same time i kept forgetting what i was looking for. i had to keep stopping and saying, numbering them down on my fingers, "ok i want family stone, and in her shoes and ??" "laura." fatima said after the third time i did this. "oh ya!" i responded. "shall we dance!" we didn't find shall we dance, well we thought we did but when we got to the counter she read out shadow hunters. um no. this always seems to happen to me at this blockbusters. always as in twice now. so all it means is that fatima escaped from a three movie night. i also bought dreamer and the guy told me for five more bucks i could get another movie. "oh allright!" i said exasperated and stalked over to the shelf and grabbed an unfinished life, which i was contemplating. the fastness of my choosing surprised blockbuster boy who was feeling a little frazzled i could tell. i can recognize frazzled because i so often feel that way at work when i am getting requests and needs from every angle at the same time. i could feel for frazzled blockbuster boy, but at the same time i was glad i wasn't him. he was just about to take another custamer, but i stopped that right in the beginning stages and sent those two back to their spot in the line.

fatima and i sat in our usual seats. meaning i pulled the orange one up to paralell the green one i always sit in. we sit like this side by side in front of a little magical invention called the tv. in her shoes right away. fatima interrupted by saying "hey don't you want to see my accessories before we start?" i put away my accessory injuries in the name of friendship and said "ok." so she brought them out. they were cool and unique and we (karey and i) made her put on one tripple decker necklace. she had a hard time getting it around her rockstar earrings. she said i need somebody to help me. nobody moved a muscle. she got it all tangled. karey told her to take it off and try again. she took the rockstars off of each ear and tried again. she said i need someone to hold my hair! i began to whistle nonchalantly. finally i said you don't need that! --i do too!-- just pull your hair out after! meanwhile karey was getting engrossed in the process and was giving encouraging grunts and yesses as fatima successfully navigated the process of the tripple decker. after she was done i said "nice." "yah." said karey. it seemed so little after so much effort. but i did like it. i liked it a lot. fatima put her rockstarrs back on. aren't you going to take it off? i asked just to be a trouble maker.

fatima liked both the films but didn't cry like a baby like i did. she said it was because she wasn't surprised. but i have come to know that this girl is almost never surprised. "it takes a surprise to get you to cry?" i asked? she explained that it was the unexpected out from left field type of thing that starts her waterworks.

fatima had to leave right after family stone because it was quarter to two and she had to get up early the next day. i walked her out to the car and we hugged and i sat on the swing to see her off. when i sat down a startled crow flew out of the tree and across the street. i walked back into the house after my friend left and wrote a bit in my journal because i needed to talk about the movies more, but in the end i was so sleepy i didn't get far.

the two next movies on my list to see are the sisterhood of the traveling pants and the japanese shall we dance. i saw the richard gere one last weekend on my temple trip with katie and brent. brent drove and me and katie sat in the back and watched the movie. i liked it way more than i thought i would and it made me cry too. (meanwhile at the border i handed brent my passport and it turned out to be karey's! "nice try" he said and handed it back. i was flabbergasted and at the time annoyed. whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. karey must have mine! arg. it was from when we went to bellingham with sarah to get her stroller. when i told karey later she popped her eyes out and said that sarah was fired. miraculously i got through with just my driver's licence and no questions asked. katie and i knew that it was because of the sisters jane and sarah hazlett who wanted their work done. i told katie my story about sarah and jane when we were at superstore getting breakfast items and just the telling of it filled me up with the same feelings and just thinking about it now gives me the residue of feelings again. on the way home i drove and katie sat in the front and we sang hymns. we sang jesus lover of my soul twice so that i could get all the words straight. brent endured a lot with stoicism) that was a long aside eh? it was a whole story in itself.

on wednesday or tuesday i read the second book of the travelling pants. there's something psychological about those books that hit a nerve inside of me. they make me cry a lot. A LOT. it brought out a lot of inner sorrow in me. i lay on the couch in the backyard reading it until it was dark and periodically i would look out at our backyard and be sad and cry because i just want a home of my own and i was grieving the loss of this home. then i went up to my room and finished the book by 1:30 or something. then i cried and cried and wrote in my journal. i think i'm sufficiently recovered now. for now.

well i can't put off packing and cleaning any longer. this post should take some time to read and keep you ravenous readers going for a while.
