last night was the first time i saw fatima since... since i don't know when. i can't remember. fatima had a lust for action last night. an action film to be exact. so our plan was to see mission impossible 3. since i don't have a cell phone anymore we have to make an exact meeting spot. we always say we'll meet in chapters in the self HELP section. but in reality we usually meet in some way in our parking lot. last night i got a number one spot with ease. there were no other cars circling and i just sailed straight in. fatima arrived just as i was emerging from my car. i thought she was going to miss her spot. there was a silver car coming from the other direction and she seemed to be taking her sweet time but at the last minute she booted it in there.

she walked up to me smiling, looking beautiful as usual. she was wearing her skinny pink, lace knit scarf that curls in. she said "hi laura." and hugged me. then she handed me this red box that said 'salma' on it. "that's for you from my mom." i pulled out a little black oval plate bordered with turquoise shells with a map on the middle entitled 'new zealand'. "well isn't that nice." i said and we laughed. "it has a stand too." i told fatima. " i know." she said.

we jay-walked over to sammy j. peppers. i remarked to fatima that there might be a wait because there were a lot of gentlemen milling about outside. "gentlemen?" she questioned. but it was no problem to get a booth. one of the young painted girls showing too much of her goods showed us to our table. we sat down and our waitress very soon attended us. i just wanted water and fatima got water and a coke. she always gets a water as well as her pop but she almost never drinks it. at times when my cup is waiting to be filled, and when my need is great, i indulge in fatima's water.

i got the five cheese tortelini and fatima got a seafood creole pasta. the caesar salad was delicious but the bowl it was in was a bother. every time you put your fork in and pushed down to spear a tender lettuce leaf or a crunchy crouton, tender leaves and crunchy croutons would spill out somewhere else. nevertheless i wondered how they make their caesar salads taste so good. meanwhile fatima told me all about work and other things. our food came soon after. i was pretty disapointed in mine. i'm pretty sure it wasn't supposed to have cool unmelted rubbery white and orange cheese on top. it was supposed to have four cheeses inside the tortelini and feta cheese on top. it was bland and luke warm and i didn't care much for it. the garlic bread was good though. our waitress never asked us how it was. some other girl did, but i didn't say anything.

fatima tried to make an airplane with our bill. i stopped her. the candies that came with the bill weren't peppermint. mine was grapefruit and fatima's was cherry. i liked them. our waitress never came back. finally we got up and looked for an interac machine. we went to one area where a girl was at a machine, but she either didn't notice us or ignored us. same thing i guess. we waited there for a while but then saw a machine closer to the bar so went over there and stood by ourselves for a while longer. "we should just leave" i said. fatima grunted something in return. finally someone came to us and we paid and left.

just before we got to the escalator to silvercity, i saw winners and steered fatima there to look at the jewlery. we were circling the jewelry cases and eyeing the goods when we were distracted by a youthfull efeminate sales person behind the cases. he called out suddenly "excuse me, young miss! young miss! please stay off the scooters in the store!" his voice was rising to a hysterical screach then he yelped while helplessly reaching forward towards the errant young miss on the scooter "not the chrystal section!!" i was very amused and found it difficult to keep a straight face when he turned and asked us if we needed any help.

we missed the eight o clock showing of mi3, so we bought tickets for the 9:45 and walked back down stairs and found an empty couch and talked. i had hard things to talk to her about to work out. fatima tells me a lot of hard things that i need to hear.

fatima had interrupted our conversation flow to say "we have to get there in time to get a good seat." "we can leave at 9:30." i said. so at nine thirty we took ourselves up there. we walked into the theatre looked around behind us and saw a solid wall of people. "is this the first day of the movie?" i asked fatima. "no, it's just popular." she said in a woe is me kind of way. we found two empty spots at the far right of the top row of the bottom 3 or 4. fatima asked the man sitting two seats in, if anybody was sitting there. "you are." he said. she was confused by this but we eventually sat down. (fatima shared friendliness with him throughout the evening.) and we kept talking in our previous vein. when the movie started fatima turned to me and practically yelled while still whispering if you can imagine that, about how big the heads were. "they're probably as big as my whole body!" she said with wonder. they were large. tom's head was the smallest. his fiance's was maybe the biggest.

the movie satisfied fatima's lust for action. i should say so.

we didn't stay for the music and the credits like we usually do. it wasn't that type of feeling like you want to sit there and feel the movie for a while longer. we went to the washroom because the sight of all those people in OUR sets before the movie put a visit to the bathroom right out of our minds. i steered fatima away from the men's room. she tends to wander if you know what i mean. after i washed my hands, i saw my reflection with dispair. my hair had that classic too much conditioner yuckiness. when your hair has that kind of yuckiness nothing, NOTHING will make it look better. dull, ugly and unhappy is how my hair looked. i longed for an elastic. none were to be had. "ahh forget about it." i said to myself.

fatima and i walked to our cars. "aren't we going to have a car talk?" i asked. and so we continued. eventually we parted ways though, and i drove home and climbed into bed.

this morning i got up and watched the end of an unfinished life with heather who had been up and brimming with energy since 7 this morning. i like themes of forgiveness and other things like accidents in that movie. something morgan freeman's character said at the end made sense to me. he said he had a dream that he flew so high that the blue met the black. he said up there everything made sense. he said that up there you could see that everything happened for a reason. kind of cool.

sarita got up just after the movie. she wakes up slowly and mimicked heather for her chipper ways. they're going over to randy's to help him paint his place. heather called scott to ask if they could bus to his place and then go with him to randy's. we all heard her say "we could be there in half an hour." and we all started laughing because as if sarita would want to get ready in five minutes or so and go. heather was all "what?". ah those two.

scott came and got them and karey and i hid in the kitchen in our pjs with our toast. as soon as they left we started a cleaning frenzy. karey did the living room and i started chipping away and the horror that has been our kitchen for the whole week. karey came and helped me by drying and putting away the dishes while i continued my never ending washing. then i swept and did a thourough wash and vaccuumed my room too. it feels good to be clean.
