the first day of jawn's 38th year

happy birthday jawnny. as fatima would say "i hope you have all the fufillment that a rain poncho brings".

today is a beautiful blowsy day. i had maybe four hours of sleep last night but my day has not been bad. i was just finishing jawn's nice blog and contemplating mowing the jungle of our lawn when karey got home and realized with a shriek and a laugh that all her clothes had blown off the line. we ran out the back door laughing. i found her sheet in the garden and she gathered up some other things by the compost pile. "my shirt is missing" she moaned. i ran out the garage and around to the neighbours yard and there it was up against their garbage can. it had flown over our garage and over thiers too. we laughed and laughed. luckily today is her laundry day. the wind blew the clothes line right off of the wheel so karey had to climb up on top of our garage to fix it. she was really nervous and it took a while to figure out how to get up there, but i came up with an ingenious route--from the concrete block, to the fence to the neighbour's deck to our steep sloped garage, up and over to the flat roofed garage beside. she was nervous nelly at many parts but i was all "oh you can do it. common, no big deal." i said these types of things with a blase attitude knowing full well because i was safe down on the ground.

i had a fun time mowing our lawn. i loved being out in the sunshine and i loved the way the wind in the tall trees along our road sounded like waves crashing. i saved four little white hyacinth that had wandered onto the lawn from being mowed and put them in the tiny little blue vase that elicia sent me from taiwan when she was there. you can tell that it's been a good long while since i've mowed the lawn because i forgot all about the rose bushes. i walked by unguarded and unknowing, a poor chump, and a branch lept forward, and dug viciously into my upper arm/flub, embedding a large thorn in my tender flesh. it always surprises me how harsh rose bushes can be. after the lawn was done i weeded a few grass clumps and dandylions out of our front flower bed.

when i came in heather and sarita introduced me to guava paste on crackers with cheese. yum!

and now i'm watching the eagles, but there only seems to be one egg now. i wonder what happened to the other baby. was it born? did it die? did it topple out?

i've been wearing sarita's cool ring since friday and i want to keep it with my whole heart and soul.
