the emperor's new clothes

something really awful just happened and i don't have anyone to tell about it. it's probably just as well because i'd probably just burst out crying. i may cry all by myself anyways without anyone's sympathy to get me going. i spent over two hours writing the new posts in my blog. i'm trying to document my trip. i'm trying to get all the goodness in before i leave. then i was going through pictures that i may want to send myself from this computer. no one was around all this time. dad went out to play tennis, mom's at scripture bowl. when dad came home he saw me on the computer and went off about how we (me and the twins) are always on the computer, how it's unbelievable how much time we spend on the computer. then he put his hand on my shoulder and said i needed to get a life. grrr. i brushed it off but my wrists were too sore to write anymore, so i didn't have any need to be on the computer any more and i thought i could start to figure out how to fit all my new dishes in with my bags and a part of me thought dad was right, i was being a dud. so i got up and started bringing some plates downstairs. dad wanted me to order pizza so i did. then i was going out of my room downstairs and i heard this big rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrip! i looked down in horror. my cute new shirt caught on the dumb metal plate in the door that sticks out and wripped like it was paper. not down the seem or anything like that. a big thick strip along the bottom starting at the the seem. today was the first day that i wore it. i couldn't believe it. i can't believe it now. i spent that much money on it and i only wear it once. and it was really cute too! it's so unbelievably irking to me and frustrating and tragic. and there's nothing i can do about it.

karey sent me my wallet and some lip glosses in the mail and i got them on tuesday. katie and i decided to go shopping for a few things the next day. well we got into one store and didn't leave until two hours later. we gathered clothes at a rapid speed and the patient, unflappable worker kept coming back and taking our armfuls into the changeroom. natalie was with us. she would sometimes point out a certain jean dress or blouse and say "that's GORgeous!" really drawing out and emphasizing the word gorgeous. sometimes she'd say beautiful in the same way. it was really cute. when we finally made it to the changeroom, it was full to the max with clothes. katie made herself comfy on a chair and natalie made one of the changerooms her room, using my hoodie and katie's jacket for blankets. i'd come out in an item, we'd discuss it, i'd get undressed and call for natalie. she'd come running and i'd hand out said item with hanger telling her to tell her mom that it was either a possibility or a no. the first time i told her something was a no, it was in plural and she said "no! this isn't a nose!" "yes it is." i said and from then on it was either a possibility or a nose. we whittled away at our pile and finally it came time to choose which possibilities would become realities. that was the hard part and we did our best but i still ended up getting a lot of clothes. i haven't had any new clothes in a long time and a lot of my regular every day wear is 3 years old. and especially lately i've put a freeze on clothes spending. but i had some extra money so there was this spending thaw phenomenon. i got two tshirts, two capris, a pair of cool/fun shorts, a hoodie and three pretty tops that we couldn't bear to part from. the top that i wore today may have been the prettiest. i wore it to michealah's baptizim. it was white with pretty blue edging and a tie in the back. i wore it with my short jean skirt with my pearl earrings and my hair in two low buns. that was the one and only time i will ever have the priviledge of wearing that top. i keep telling myself that it doesn't matter, it was just a thing, but i still grieve it. i grieve all the good times i could have had wearing it, secure in loving what i was wearing. sigh. wretched feeling.

natalie and i coloured while katie picked michealah up from school and then we took her and madalaine to ballet class. natalie got changed into her body suit too. she looked so cute with her long curls and her little pink ballet skirt. michealah and madalaine looked cute too. they're growing up to be big girls so fast. they got their teacher to put the music on for their recital dance and then they did it for me. they looked so pretty and graceful and little girlish and like, well ballerinas. i had a little tear in my eye despite myself.

i got home and had supper with mom and tracy. after supper mom was tired and wanted to go to bed but she also wanted to drop a present off for michealah so we went to chapters to get her a book and ended up getting her a game instead. we got to katie and brent's just in time to have some birthday cake. earlier in the day katie was trying to find a recipe with pudding in it and in the end she iced it with the pudding and it was pretty tasty too.
