i'm a few weeks shy of 32 and my mom still hides an easter basket for me. this time she had a treasure hunt prepared for bethany, amy and i. we started our search shortly after i arrived on the homestead fresh from the ferry. sarah was with and she helped. ("it's shake n' bake and i helped!")

it seemed like amy had a lot of urgency about finding the clues. she'd yelp and dash off while we calmly went the other direction. the direction, incidentally, where the next clue was actually hidden. "amy we found it!" we'd call and she'd slump back to us defeated and dejected. "i'm finding the next one." she'd declare with determination and zest.

bethany would say that she was interested in the treasure hunt but her actions told a different story. if i had to describe her attitude in one word, it might be languid. she lay on her back on the couch with her arms splayed out while and called for us to bring the clue to her when it was her turn to read. when we were looking for the clue in the bathroom (one that stumped us for quite some time until sarah found it almost accidentally in the brush as she was contemplating giving her tresses a brush down), bethany lay on the floor in the hallway. she tried to climb up on the kitchen counter to lie down but that's when sarah and i put our foot down. no way beth. no way.

ironically it was bethany and i who did the biggest search for a file cabinet after amy had been distracted/given up, whathave you, and that ended up being the x marks the spot treasure trove. we grabbed our bags and left amy who was floundering and spluttering "where's mine???" "guess you'll never find it." we told her cold heartedly.

post find, we sat around and talked and picked at our bags. when amy spent entirely too much time on the computer and away from us we took our opportunity to punish her by emptying all the bridge mixture portion from our bags into hers. when she eventually returned she didn't notice and it wasn't until this morning at family prayer when mom commented on how amay's bag was full and ours were much more sparse that the pieces of the puzzle started coming together for her.

sarah had to go home around midnight and that's when we, true to previous behaviour patterns, popped in a video. we wanted an easter themed one, but there was no prince of egypt (that tied in to easter in a kind of passover link type way) so after much negotiation and a successfull veto of bethany's sneaky attempts to grab and run with thumbilina we settled on les miserables which is all about redemption and being born again, new life and all that. amay fell asleep but me and bethknee watched to the bitter end.

i was feeling a little wary about mice in the downstairs region but had decided to be brave and take the believe they are all gone since christmas route of thinking but bethany voiced her doubts causing me to double doubt. we chatted for a while upstairs where bethany had resolved to sleep on the couch in the living room and then i finally went downstairs to my bed with a prayer of protection against mice in my heart.
