
it's the second day of my 32nd year. so far my 32nd year has been very emotional.

yesterday morning i found my 1st present from karey wrapped and neatly placed on the closed toilet seat. on birthday mornings we always know where to put things where the other will find them and the toilet is a sure bet. when i unwrapped this present i found that karey made me a cd of all our songs. i say our songs like we're a couple, but we have been a couple, a pair if you will for over seven years and now karey is leaving me. she's moving at the end of the summer to go live with her sister in alberty. so she's giving me a cd of our songs. the songs we've sung to at the top of our lungs on our many road trips and actually just car rides around vancouver. songs that meant certain things and that bring to mind certain memories in our shared history. since karey decided for sure last saturday, i've tried to be supportive. i try not to think of the hole in my every day living that she'll leave, because i want her to be happy. anyways i put the cd in while i drove to work. the first song was total eclipse of the heart and it made me smile. we played that song over and over and over last year, in order to memorize it completely for our road trip to california/nevada. the second song came on "any man of mine better be proud of me, even when i'm ugly still better love me..." a classic. this is one of the songs on all our cds that we play two times just because we love singing it so much and we know every word and every sound shania makes. we sing it with gusto and very loud. i started to sing along but i started to cry instead. and this was the opening of the inside fountains.

this morning i woke up no later than 7:30. i decided to start the second day of my 32nd year off with scriptures, so i read about ammon and king lamoni then i tumbled into the living room. sarita was just turning on the morning news like she often does. "what are you doing up?" she asked increduously. i shrugged. we both know the cruel irony of waking up at usual times on the days you can sleep in. "that sucks." she said. i snuggled in on the couch and took up karey's game boy to play tetrus while i listened to the morning news. and this is what steve darling and Lynn Colliar told me: today's the day they think the hornby island eagles will hatch! whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. i ran to the computer with left over birthdy cake and pizza in hand and i've been here ever since. i even got to see something that i've been waiting and watching for ever since i learned of these ma and pa eagles. the changing of the guard. it happened so fast i almost missed it. when i saw the other eagle's legs swoop into the picture my heart almost stopped (seriously, it thudded heavily and i sucked in my breath. a very dramatic physiological reaction hey?) and then the lump in my throat swelled and i was holding back the tears. like i said the fountains are active at this time of my 32nd year. as far as i could see of the eggs, they look like there might be some small cracks/chips, but i didn't get a good look at them. i don't know how i can leave this computer very long when the eagles are going about their hatching! i mean what better way to commemorate your second day birthday than welcoming a pair of baby eagles into the world?!
