easter sunday. the big TWO OH for twin 1 and 2.

last night we had mambo's popeye pesto pizza. it was the kind of thing that nabbed my hunger spot and my nostalgic spot at the same time.

now that that's been said let's talk about a few memorable moments from today:

1. amay woke me up around 9:30 because it was present time. dad was raring at the get go. he and mom bought them luggage and two outfits. i knew when i saw the outfits that dad was going to be disappointed. he's so vulnerable in gift giving. he takes pride in his choices of gift. mom is a nervous nelly when it comes to buying clothes for the youger generation. but dad has tasted rip roaring success on several occassions and now that he has, he's got the taste for more. there were redeeming features in each outfit, like the blouse for one (mom was against the blouse, so dad could say i told you so about that at least). the buttons on the blazer and pants were mostly to blame. plus the style was a bit mature. bean and pea were pretty easy on ma and pop beet but pop beat kept demanding that pea try on the pants and then try on the pants with the blouse and so on. i gave them tomatoes and flowers. what more could two twenty year old's want?

2. shortly after family prayer when we were all sitting around in our pjs still, in walks amay's current. i knew he was coming today but i didn't know it was going to be BEFORE church. oh well, what do i care? i'm the 32 year old older sister. i'm there to be impressed not to impress. am i right? jo visst! amay's current brought a big bag of chocolate and it's plain he knows at least one way to her heart. the chocolate route. the chocolate route is not a hidden driveway so to speak. there are many shouting signs directing would be suitor, by megaphone towards the chocolate route. a passerby may know the same about her.

3. the primary sang during sacrament and they were very cute. jill nee smith's kids, were both very blond, the younger bashful brother pressing agianst his serious bespecled older sister and hiding his face in the puffy sleeve of her dress while his hand clasped hers. there were three children who ran up to the podium with so much eagerness. i love the things children teach by just being their amazing selves.

4. i brought some of gramma b's crossword puzzle books with me and i felt the spirit of gramma b (not literally because she's not dead duh) decsend upon me while i sat in a chair and did them, but soon katie joined me and then we had the whole room trying to help us with our clues. dough kept going to the computer and looking things like ursine and ruminant up and he felt like a bit of a cheater but katie and i personally felt like it was completely ok.

5. mom made the best carrot cake with cream cheese icing at the request of the birthday twins. while we sat and ate it with ice cream we all talked about twin memories. i talked about our ocean adeventures but there was so much i could say. i could have been the only one talking and taken up the time we all used and more. i feel very lucky to have two such amazing beloved people in my life these last 20 years. heavenly father knows how to give us good gifts. he gives us each other. in bethany and amay he gave me a multitude of gifts that keeps on growing and changing, yet they stay the same too. know what i mean?

6. we talked about a jordan extravaganza family reunion, complete with caribean cruise and seg fund savings plan. jordan reminded us that dad wasn't going to be with us forever. he estimated approximately 17 more years with dad. he said we needed to make the most of that time. dad won't die. neither will mom. (mom said "the twenty year olds don't like to talk about this." "mo-om." sighed bethany. "she always wants to protect us." these are mudsy's last babies.

7. on a trip to the downstairs washroom to do some paper work as fox's foxy likes to say, i walked right into a production of "thereasa's birthday party". Elizabeth (Madelaine), Thereasa (Natalie) and Rachel (Michealah) walked me through their lovely home and facilities and related their plans of a birthday party for Thereasa the next day. they were having so much fun and were right in the middle of make believe. little girls are so funny. it reminded me how katie and i would get lost in the same sorts of things (but always with a romance). playing house was so fun. sarah and the twins said they played barbie but they always made all the kens stupid and geeky. i wonder if our leading men had a charictaristic threaded throught all our stories. they were always totally smitten i guess... i don't know. i'm thinking of the prince who fell in love with the crippled girl. and the boys in the hospital who always fell in love with the rich girl who got pushed from the top of the empire state building. i think our heroines were always disabled in some way, but the hero only had eyes for her. interesting. katie feel free to put your two bits in.

i said something about fatima while we were all sitting around. just in passing, and dough coming out of a fog, said "fatima... isn't she supposed to be here?"

i gave bethany a non present. it's a book about egg and bird. what i wrote inside "To Bethany, not because it's your birthday but because you are egg. heart Laura".

yook has been phoning mom and both the shepperds tell me that he's also been calling them and wanting my number from both these sources. (he's back in japan) luckily mom didn't feel good about giving it out (a sound judgement) and the shepperds don't have my current number (a fortunate circumstance). i feel cold hearted when i say the sentence "i don't want to be in contact with him again." for once in my life i feel like i have to explain myself. i want to explain that i want to be free of his abuses. i want to explain how bad things were so they'll know i can do him no good and explain the dammage he does to me. there's no way i can really explain this. there's no way to explain what it's like. i know what i would say in reply. i would say "they don't need to know. all they need to know is that you don't want him to have your number." ya i know, but i feel selfish and cold and hard hearted when i say that. i want to explain that i feel sorry for him too. but what can i do to help him? i already lost that battle. "poor guy." brother sheppard said. "yah." i said dully.
