my computer is an old lame elephant. it's on its last legs if you will. poor old beastie.

last night fatima and i chatted about conquistidors and running with the bulls and such. i was waiting for my laundry. i foolishly did not wash my stinky gym clothes on saturday after i got back from lisa's. i foolishly did not wash them after church/potluck/ces broadcast. i foolishly started them around 8pm and then foolishly didn't go change the load until after sarita and heather left my room around 10. we were talking about life and futures and goals and mental health and all that good stuff. i still had a dark load, including but not limited to my stinky gym pants. so periodically during my chat with fattylishus i fretted about how foolish i had been. nothing to do but wait for the spin cycle to end and dump it all in the dryer and get up earlier than usual (that's earlier than five twelve am) and go get them and pack my bag. man oh man. when i woke up this morning i was totally out of it. i was confused for a minute by the ticking of my clock. i thought it was the dryer. "how could the dryer still be going now?" i wondered in my thick headed stupor. it took a minute to figure it out. it took a while to get my socks on the right way. it seemed like no matter how i turned them, they were always inside out. after peeing i just sat there gripping something (can't remember what) that i had brought with me to the bathroom with a blank stare. when i came too, i wondered why i had brought it and what i was supposed to do with it. when i was miraculously ready on time i couldn't find my runners. i knew that i probably left them at lisa's but i still needed to look everwhere twice and make a trip from the car to the house and back. sheesh. at least i'll always have spain.

last night i was talking to heather and just happened to brush my bottom lip. at first i didn't believe it. i felt again. no it was definitely a lump. a numb lump. a lump not unlike a cold sore blister. i'm sure my face reflected the horror i felt inside. i ran to the bathroom and sure enough there on my my my bottom lip was a small clear blister. i used to only have one cold sore spot but that all changed the year i met steve (i hate to blame him, but it's only right) i remember the previous cold sore on this very spot. it was after my first whale watching excursion. a week or so later it popped out there and now it's revisiting the scene of the crime. i started hyperventilating because i lent my perscription creme to katie and never got it back and because my lipactin tube was empty except for a little geled up solid tube i squeezed out. the worst thing about getting a cold sore is being powerless to fight it. i'm not a pacifist when it comes to bubbling lip pustules. after i panicked for a while i realized there was nothing i could do and i let go of the anger (anger of being victimized by herpes complex I yet again). i let it all go. it was not long after that that i found another tube of lipactin and i've been slathering it ever since. and that's my story and i'm sticking to it.
