i've got two of the largest blisters ever on each of my heels. one is so big that if lying down on my back with my feet facing up it feels like my right foot is resting on a small pillow. i got them from snow shoing at whistler. we went there for barb's birthday yesterday. we snow shoed to lost lake. karey was the one that found it. as we were arriving at the now found lake i knew that i was going to get blisters bad and cursed my choice of thick cotton socks. we took off our snow shoes (mine were too long in the back for my comfort. i walk with my feet pointed slightly out and so they would cross over in the back. i coveted barb's snow shoes. karey told me to suck it up) and hung out by the lake for a while. there was a picnic table burried in the snow with just the top clear. we sat on that and left our snow shoes there. we took a few picks by the big cabin that was called "warming hut". there were some cool icicles. i was dreading the way back and sure enough as soon as i put the snow shoes back on i felt the pain. going uphill was the worst. i knew that the skin on my left heel was being twisted and torn. sure enough they were. but i tried not to think about it and was grateful for the down hills. it was a beautiful sunny day and we took pictures and pretty spots along the way and sang songs. karey and barb who were ahead of me amused themselves by yelling "branch" everytime they went by a twig of some sort sticking out. this procedure grew to yelling "incline!" and so on. everytime they did it they giggled like school girls.

after snowshoing we changed and ate at the brew house. karey and barb got rootbeers. one of them asked if they brewed the rootbeer in house too. we had a british waiter who looked like he had a permenant look of disdain on his face. his name was paul. we thought he didn't like us, but we soon realized that that was just his face. one can't help their face. barb was eating her cannaloni and pulled out a big piece of tinfoil. she thought it was a bayleaf. nope, it was tin foil. when she was telling paul about it she was saying "...i thought it was a bayleaf--" and he was all soothing and said in a british way "no, and it didn't turn out to be did it?". it reminded me of hugh grant. karey having a witty moment said "do we have to pay for it?" she was quite proud of that one and rightly so. rightly so. barb got a free pizza. she was all excited about the boccacini on it.

karey and barb shopped for sweatshirts way too long for my liking but i tried to be patient. there were soooo many people up there. it reminded me of disney land and of ostersund (one of the towns i was in on my mission. it was a ski town.) at the same time.

the drive back was tense for me. you couldn't see the lines on the road very well, they were super windy and the oncoming traffic blinded you. it helped that we were singing along to the tunes though. nothing like "you're the meaning in my life. you're the inspiration..." to get you through a curvy mountain pass.

i was sitting here at the computer a couple of hours ago and i got a phone call from my old mission president out of the blue! it was odd to be speaking to him again. he asked me what i was doing, if i was single, yadda yadda yadda. he wanted to know if there were a l ot of guys to choose from "up there". i said there's some but not as many as there should be. he told me not to give up. er, i won't president. he said he had been trying to track me down for a couple of weeks. it's about a mission reunion on the 31st of this month. he asked me about denise too. i told him i hadn't heard from her in years. i wonder where she is and how she's doing. i feel kind of bad that i didnt' keep in touch with my companions. i had some good friends amongst them. i really wish i could go back to sweden. that would be soooooooooooo nice. i've been reading my book of mormon in swedis again lately. it started because i left my scriptures in the living room and i was already undressed so i just read my swedish book of mormon. but i enjoyed it so much that i did it all week. it was nine long years ago that i came home. what a little kid i was then.

i feel weird. i slept for four or five hours today. i was lacking. (i told fatima five or six but i think i calculated wrong.)

my room's super messy and it's bugging me.
